Principal's Report

Spring has sprung and the weather has turned!
Prep/Year 6 Musical
What a great start to the week! Thanks to the Prep and Year 6 students for two brilliant performances on Monday and Tuesday evenings. A great mix of music, dance and some moments where we can reflect on our own childhood!
I appreciate all the staff for taking the time and effort to put this together with the students over the past few months. I would like to acknowledge and thank Mandy McNab and Ann Gallasch for their support with costumes. Special thanks to the Prep team, Year 6 team, Mr Flynn, Jay and Richard for their behind the scenes work not only on the three musical nights but the hours and hours in the lead up to the performances.
It is hat season! Students must wear a hat outside and on excursions. Those without a hat will not be able to attend excursions or play in uncovered areas.
As you are aware filling staff vacancies in schools at the moment is incredibly tough. This includes short-term and long-term positions. Rest assured, we do everything possible to try to fill positions that arise however there are times we just cannot fill them. I appreciate Pauline Cullen, Brooke Dyer and Georgia Ryan doing their best to help us out by cancelling their programs to take grades on days we cannot get fill in teachers. We are also experiencing a higher number of grade splits than normal. This will remain an ongoing problem for all schools into the near future.
School Chaplain Recruitment
We sadly say goodbye to Baden, our school chaplain, who has been with us since the start of the year. Baden has picked up a promotion and will be working in a student well being role at Harrisfield Primary School. We wish him all the best in his new role. We have already commenced the recruitment process for a new chaplain. Mark will update the community when we have confirmed a new replacement.
Today is R U OK? Day. It’s a welcome reminder to check in on those we are closest to. We can never 'make' someone open up, however these words may just be the beginning of an important conversation. So perhaps give a friend a call that you haven’t spoken to in a while or even visit for a cuppa. Who knows? It may just be what is needed. Thanks to our community for supporting this event today, it was beautiful to see so many ‘splashes’ of yellow in the yard today.
Father’s Day Stall
Thanks to the PFA for running a successful stall for Father’s Day. It is much appreciated. No doubt the dads and special people in our children’s lives enjoyed their presents. I hope all the dads had a great day.
Footy Parade
The annual footy parade is on tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing lots of footy (or NRL, soccer, basketball) attire tomorrow. Our parade will kick off just after 9am in the stadium. Parents are welcome to come along and join in the fun.
Early Dismissal
A reminder that as we wrap up Term 3, our end of day bell rings at 2.30pm tomorrow.
It's been a HUGE term with lots of events, thanks to all our staff and community for your support and participation. Mr Moorhouse will return at the beginning of Term 4. Whilst I head off on some Long Service Leave for the start of Term 4, Ms Soutar will continue to support Mr Moorhouse and Mr Balzary in the office. We wish everyone a great break and enjoy the footy finals, if your team is still in the race.
Nicola Pepper
Acting Principal