Principal's Message

Dear Families,
Welcome Back
I hope that all students enjoyed a relaxing and enjoyable break with friends and family over the term break. Term 4 is a very busy time in the school as we continue teaching and learning in the classroom and conclude many college programs. This includes conducting VCE exams, attending many end of year presentation ceremonies, writing reports, implementing the Transition Program, and undertaking planning, staffing and preparation for the 2024 school year.
Over the coming weeks students (particularly Year 11 and 12 students) need to be focused on maximising opportunities for attaining their best results during this important stage of the year.
On Wednesday October 18th, our Year 12 students enjoyed breakfast with staff followed by a final Senior School Assembly where they were formally farewelled by the college.
This year like past years the college has been immensely pleased with the maturity of our Year 12 students during this time which has been marked by a balance of fun, celebration, good behaviour and respect. This expectation has ensured that all students and staff can enjoy this special occasion and that our students leave positive memories for our college community.
Our Year 12 students are about to enter a vitally important stage of their secondary schooling and if they have worked consistently throughout the year, they will be well placed to perform at their best during the exam period. It was pleasing to note that many Year 12 students took advantage of the opportunities provided by their teachers over the Term 3 study break to complete set work, complete practice exams at school and begin the revision process. These students are giving themselves the best chance of VCE success. Thank you to our Year 12 teachers for giving up their vacation time to assist their VCE students. We wish all our VCE students well during this important and often demanding time.
Year 12 VCE Exam Preparation
With Year 12 exams rapidly approaching a full copy of the 2023 VCE Examination Timetable is available at the VCAA (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) website and ALL students need to be clear as to when each of their exams are scheduled – do not rely on word of mouth!
With Year 12 exams fast approaching it is crucial that students take advantage of the VCE guides produced by a range of organisations. One such guide is The Herald Sun ‘Exam study tips and tricks’.
These guides give useful and timely information on VCE exam preparation, and all Year 12 students need to be reading them now!
Dr Michael Carr Gregg, a well known expert in adolescent mental health has a range of information on his website around VCE study habits. Here are his Eleven Top hints for Effective Study:
- Establish a routine - set aside a particular time each day for study and revision and stick to it.
- Create a study environment.
- Set a timetable - with a timetable you can plan to cover all your subjects in an organised way allotting the appropriate time for each without becoming overwhelmed.
- Look after yourself - drink and eat right. Get enough sleep each night. Regular physical exercise makes you feel great, boosts your energy, and helps you relax. So, try to keep up regular sporting activities or at least fit in some regular exercise. Reward yourself for studying. Watch your favourite television program, spend time with your friends, walk to the park, play sport.
- Have variety in your study program - study different subjects each day.
- Do different types of work and revision in each study session.
- Avoid interrupting your concentration. Have all the appropriate materials with you before you start a session of study to minimise distractions.
- Test yourself on what you have studied - ask your parents or family members to quiz you on what you have learnt.
- Use draft questions from books, past assessments or major exam papers.
- Don't panic at exam time.
- Ask your teachers for guidance.
I wish the Year 12 class of 2023 all the best over the next few weeks.
VUSC’s Flexible In-School Learning Program
VUSC’s flexible in-school learning program will open in 2024 at our Brimbank Campus in St Albans. This will be a dedicated space as part of our college where students who have been identified as possibly disengaging from school and society can engage in personalised, self-directed learning experiences that enable them to develop essential skills and pursue their interests.
I believe that education should be flexible and tailored to the individual needs and interests of students who are at risk of disengaging. Our flexible in-school program serves as a hub for innovative teaching and learning practises, allowing students to explore different pathways to success.
The goals of our flexible in-school program are as follows:
- Personalised learning - this will provide an environment where students can take ownership of their education, explore their passions, and set their own learning goals. It fosters a sense of autonomy and self-direction while promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- Collaboration and creativity - this will encourage students to collaborate amongst each other, enabling them to work in teams, engage in group projects, and share their knowledge and ideas. It is designed to inspire creativity and innovation, providing a platform for students to think outside the box and develop their creative potential.
- Skill development - the focus will be on developing essential skills such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and digital literacy. It equips students with the tools they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world and prepare them to succeed at school and beyond.
Our flexible in-school program values will align with our college vision and values; students at the centre will continue to wear our college uniform and teachers will use our Learning Improvement Framework for Teaching and the high impact teaching strategies that we use in our mainstream school. Our aim is to ensure that when the students from the flexible learning program transition back into mainstream schooling, it should be as seamless as possible.
Parents will be notified this term if their child has been chosen for our flexible in-school learning program. A meeting will be organised with the Campus and College Principal along with a tour of the site.
A huge congratulations to Olivia Saumalu in Year 7 (right) who recently won the Gold Medal in the Discus at the Victorian State Championships! Olivia also won at the Western Metro Region competition - Gold in Discus, 4th in Triple Jump and 6th in the 100 Metre sprint. Awesome work!!
Congratulations also to Taya Aue in Year 11 (left) who won Bronze in Discus at the Western Metro Region championships. Well done Taya!
In Rugby League news, congratulations to Elijah Po Ching, Lockyer-Azile Foliola and Anaias Jones-Teao on their selection in the inaugural U17 Melbourne Storm Harold Matts squad. The boys will train 4 or 5 times per week in a high performance environment with the view for selection in the final squad to be named in late January. Our own teacher, Mr Adam, will be the coach of the team.
Additionally, a big congratulations to Anaias Jones-Teao (right) in Year 10 who was named Victorian player of the tournament as part of the Vic U15 Schoolboy Rugby League Team at the recently held National championships held in Port Macquarie. Anaias had a very strong carnival and was a stand out forward for the Victorian team.
Well done to the boys on these outstanding achievements!
We have also received news from AGA that VET Building and Construction student, Christian Salevski in 11B (left) has been awarded the IntoWork Schools Value Award - for students who consistently demonstrate the values of Integrity and Respect in their school, work and personal lives -
and the runner-up for this award is Oscar Brown in 11A (right)!
Both students have demonstrated a high regard for staff and fellow students and have both worked vigorously throughout the year. Well done boys, we are very proud of you!!
You've Been Spotted Rewards
A new reward system has been implemented at our school where students are acknowledged for displaying school-wide expected positive behaviours. Students are given a You've Been Spotted card and have the opportunity to choose from a variety of rewards, including lunch with one of the Principals!
Congratulations to Flynn in Year 9 who chose to have a man to man chat over lunch with Mr Dowie!
Step Up Program
This year all year levels from 7 to 11 will have their Step-Up programs commence straight after the exams. Our intent is to provide students with the opportunity to experience their classes for 2024. This means that students have an idea of what to expect prior to starting in Term 1 next year. The program will be very successful in preparing students for the next steps in their secondary school journey and helping them to connect with their classes, subjects and teachers. Those in VCE next year will have some homework to complete over the break but will still have plenty of time to relax and recalibrate prior to starting next year.
It's the season for snakes
For Junior Campus students who walk to and from school around the creek area near the school, please be aware that with the upcoming warm weather, snakes will be more active. A snake has recently been spotted there - if you see a snake, stay calm and move away slowly and quietly.
Intentions for 2024
Term 4 is the term in which we begin planning for 2024. The key aspect of our planning is to ensure the provision of the widest and viable curriculum designed to cater to student pathways and choice. To assist with the planning for 2024, we ask that families who are aware that they may be transitioning out of Victoria University Secondary College to please let us know as soon as possible. We have a significant number of students on our waiting list, and this will allow us to plan effectively for our classes in 2024. If you are moving out of the area or your child is transitioning to a different educational provider, please let the following Leaders know:
Middle School Leader (Years 7-9) - Ms Debbie Chapman
Senior School Leader (Years 10-12) - Ms Anna Bonanno
Respectful Behaviours Policy
When parents, carers, students and school staff work together as one team, our students do better - socially, mentally and academically. Everyone at school plays a role in making school a better place for learning and work.
Every member of our school community has a right to feel safe and be protected. The Department's Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy describes positive behaviour expected from parents, carers and other adults in Victorian school communities. The policy sets out clear standards of behaviour to create a safe, respectful and inclusive learning environment for students, staff and adults.
There are also resources to support safe and respectful relationships in our school community, including information about getting involved in the school, advice on how to raise a concern or complaint, and parenting support resources. You can find the policy and these resources here.
You may also see a new poster up around our school, promoting positive behaviour.
For more information on how to engage positively with our school, please contact your campus office and speak to one of the Principal team.
Elaine Hazim
College Principal
Child Safety at VUSC
Victoria University Secondary College is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe.
Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students:
- Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Child Safety Code of Conduct
- Child Safe Standards Risk Register
- Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure
All of our policies are available on our school website here. As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at VUSC, we welcome and encourage your feedback.