LIBRARY NEWS -Reading for learning.
- Reading for living.
- Reading for pleasure.
"The library is not just full of books, but also opportunities."
Abbey 2016
Has come and gone but the vibe remains:
When we READ we GROW in many ways. Reading helps us to grow by increasing our knowledge, teaching us new skills, and helping us to understand our emotions and feelings and those of others. When we read we are INSPIRED to believe in what can be, who we can be and our imagination soars to places we never thought it could.
Thankyou students, teachers and parents for your support.
Book Busters may be taking a short break depending on teacher availablilty
BOOK BUSTERS CLUB is an optional early morning reading club for students who wish to come into the warm library before school to read.
Goodbye SID, Hello SERENA
"Where am I now... The adventures of Serena (Sid's sister) the sloth."
With the busyness of last Friday SERENA decided that she would have an extra week up in 1G. She enjoyed her time with 1G again and cannot wait to see where she will go next on Friday.
Mrs McGuirk and Sid are having some wonderful adventures already. It has been very hot in France. Sid spotted the Eiffel Tower and got very excited. Sid also made a friend along the way called Duck, the French are very friendly.
Sid loves hitching a ride with the official symbol of the Camino de Santiago, the shell. Hang on Sid it's going to be a bumpy ride, all 26 kilometers!
Lunchtime Storytime resumes
Yr 6 Library Leaders have resumed the Lunchtime Storytime.
Thankyou Library Leaders for your commitment and enthusiasm and to the K,1,2 students and teachers for your support.
Advanced Notice: BOOK FAIR - TERM 4
Compass notifications next term.
Annual St Nicholas School Book Fair:
Come and do your Christmas shopping.
Where: St Nicholas School Library
When: 6th, 7th and 9th November
Time: 10.45am -3pm each day
Eftpos available. (No cheques)
Students will bring home a wishlist for your perusal.
Purchase Options: students may bring cash to school, collect your child from the classroom / playground and shop with them, or shop by yourself.
Thankyou for your support - looking forward to seeing you at the Fair
The Premier's Reading Challenge is complete.
Every student who has completed the Challenge has received notification.
Official certificates usually arrive in November.
2023 TECHNOLOGY in the Library |
In the library we are safe online and respectful of each other and the technology.
Please follow the steps:
- Write your name, class and CB / ipad number neatly in the book.
- Sit where Mrs McGuirk, or a library leader can walk behind you.
- Always log in on your chromebook using your school login.
MONDAY - THURSDAY | Cool maths games, coding - scratch, worldbookonline, Google classroom - class work SORA, World Book ebooks. |
FRIDAY | Tech Free Friday Library OPEN |
If you would like to access another site, please ask Mrs McGuirk first.
Chess is available each day for students to play.
The Chess Tournament will take place in Term 4, so plenty of time to get some practice in.
CHOICE = Motivation
"The strongest positive impact on reading engagement and learning gains come from student self-selection of reading materials. When reading materials are selected for students the links to engagement and learning gain decline significantly."
How Reading Motivation and Engagement Enable Reading Achievement: Policy Implications, Ana Taboada Barber and Susan Lutz Klauda
When students visit the library a huge emphasis is placed on the
premise that they have
in what they can read and borrow.
TUESDAY: Kindergarten and Yr 4
WEDNESDAY: Yr 2 and Yr 5
THURSDAY: Yr 1 and Yr 6
FRIDAY: Library Open 1st Break to all students
BOOK BUZZ: Reading Lovers Group - Friday at 2nd Break , Yr 2 and Primary Students.
LIBRARY BAGS - ALL students require a bag.
LIBRARY BAGS MATTER... Not just some of the time but all of the time.
No food or drink on my books.
Food and drink are for the chooks.
Library bags keep ‘em clean.
Books are cool don’t treat ‘em mean.
Bring your bag every time.
Fill it up and get in line.
Have it scanned and scoot on out.
We all shout.
J. McGuirk
Ask your child about the bookmark which provides home access for World eBooks and Worldbook online.
If you have not logged on and had a browse around, sit down with your child and ask them about it. I'm sure all primary-aged students will be able to show you some of the features.
UPDATED - SORA - easy access guide
Download the free App to access this online reading resource provided for us by the Catholic Schools Office. Your family will have access to thousands of books 24/7.
Sora - get free ebooks and audiobooks from your school. Step 1: Install Sora app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store, or
Step 2: When in Sora, click on I have a setup code - “setup” code is cenetau then sign in.
Sign into your School – Select your school - ACEN
Step 3: Browse the tab and borrow a book. Your book will open so you can start reading right away.
Step 4: Close the book and go to see all your books (including assignments). From there, you can:
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