Specialist News

Visual Arts - Physical Education - Performing Arts  &  S.T.E.M.

Mrs Buffinton, Mr Rees, Mr Stamp and Mr Lytton.

Physical Education & Sport

This Term the 5/6 students have been placed into 8 teams and are participating in a round robin competition of various sports during their Friday Sport block.

There has been some great competion between the teams with games of Danish Long Ball, Defensive Line Soccer and Team Tennis played so far. This week we will be playing Touch Down Frisbee and European Handball next week. 

The focus is on a difffernent game each week rotating from the oval to the basketball court.

The aim to have achieve some friendly competition with a different game each week.

We may look at the mid-season draft to swap a few players around to assist Red, Lime & Blue Teams!
We may look at the mid-season draft to swap a few players around to assist Red, Lime & Blue Teams!