3/4 Area

Monique Herbert, Rachel Foy, Emily Giliam, Elizabeth Higham, Sarah Castellas, Denise Diamantopoulos, Cansu Cerrah, Nicole Riley, Ruth Chamberlain-Hitchens and Andrew Francis

During Maths sessions in Weeks 5 and 6, Year 3/4 students have been learning to use the language of location (such as compass points) by exploring maps of the local area (including Melways and the Merribek Cycle Map) and describing pathways from one location to another (such as from their home to school).  This learning has culminated in students designing their own zoo maps, using grid references and other features found on real-life maps (from the Melbourne and Adelaide Zoos) - see in progress examples from 34A students below:

Using hands-on materials is a really important part of students' mathematical learning in Year 3/4, supporting their development of key understandings across all areas of the subject.  Shown below are a selection of photos from 34E and 34A, illustrating the kinds of hands-on and often collaborative learning experiences the students have engaged in during Maths lessons in Terms 3 and 4: