School News

School Musical - Disney The Lion King Jr
We could not be more proud of our students; they were spectacular on stage. A huge thank you to our wonderful Performing Arts teacher, Libby Mulhall, for coordinating it all. Thank you to all the staff who assisted Libby since late last year. We would like to thank our families who assisted in a range of different ways from make-up, organising costumes and washing of costumes. Most of all we would like to thank our students. We were so proud to see all our students confidently perform on stage, in particular the main cast, who dedicated so much time learning the script and putting in the effort during weekly rehearsals. Your resilience, self discipline and stamina were all put to the test and you all exceeded expectations.
For families who did not scan the QR code to view the program, please see the flyer below.
For those who may have missed the information to purchase the School Musical recorded stream (please see below)
As was previously shared with families, our School Musical was recorded by SMC (School Memories Captured). A flyer with further information is attached with instructions on how to pay the $25 for the recorded streaming or click on the website link and use the code.
Transition to warmer weather and Summer School Uniform for Term Four
As the warmer weather becomes more frequent, it's important that we all protect ourselves from the sun (please see information below).
As well as this, from Monday 23 October all students are required to wear full summer school uniform.
Sun Protection - Being Sun Smart at Sacred Heart Kew
Students are required to wear the school hat when playing outside, whenever UV levels are 3 or higher. We also encourage students to apply sunscreen before they come to school and have it in their bag, so that they can re-apply throughout the day.
Parents & Carers must ensure that their child provides their own SPF30+ (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen. In the absence of a student providing their own SPF30+ (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen, staff members will offer a school purchased product to the student. Parents & Carers are reminded that in this instance Sacred Heart School cannot be held responsible for any subsequent reaction that the student may experience as a result of the application of school sunscreen.
We will purchase some more sunscreen and have this available in classrooms as per the above so we can all stay Sunsmart at Sacred Heart Kew.
Garden Club
The Garden Club returns next Wednesday 25 October. ALL children are invited to Garden Club every fortnight on Wednesday morning from 7.50am. Please remember to drop your children around 7.50am as the Glenferrie Rd pedestrian gate will be closed by 8am. Mrs Mulhall and Miss Olney look forward to seeing everyone back in the Veggie Garden.
Running Club
Running Club is back! This will occur each Friday morning from 7.45am until the end of the year (weather permitting). All children from Years 3 - 6 are welcome to attend with Mr O'Shea and Mr Millane as they develop their health and fitness each week. Any interested Year 2 children are also welcome to attend, if they so wish.
Here's what you need to know......
- Children will need to bring their own water bottle and perhaps a small towel
- Children with asthma need to bring their puffer
- Please enter from the Glenferrie Road pedestrian gate
- All fitness levels are welcome
- Along with running, there will be some fitness circuits and health-related learning involved including: stretching, breathing, tempo running, warm up and cool down (process), making use of smart watches and fitbits
School Fee Payments
Thank you to all families who have finalised their accounts for 2023. There are still a number of outstanding accounts, unless prior arrangements are in place, it would be appreciated if all accounts could be finalised by the end of term. Thank you for your cooperation.
Assemblies will be held on Fridays at 2.30pm in the MPR. Families are invited to attend. The following dates indicate which class/year level will be presenting Spotlight on Learning:
Term 4
Friday 27 October - Prep MW
Friday 3 November - No Assembly (Wellbeing Groups)
Friday 10 November - No Assembly
Friday 17 November - Music/Performing Arts
Friday 24 November - Year 3GR
Friday 1 December - School Closure Day
Friday 8 December - No Assembly (Wellbeing Groups)
Friday 15 December - Year 6 Final Assembly 11:15am
Prep 2024 Transition Sessions - next month
Next month, we look forward to our Prep 2024 Transition Sessions as we welcome our newest members to the Sacred Heart Kew family.
As is tradition, there will be 3 Transition Sessions and a Parent Information Night. These will take place on the following days.
Wednesday 1 November Session No. 1
Wednesday 8 November Session No. 2
Wednesday 15 November Session No. 3 and Parent Info Night
At the end of last term, all Prep 2024 parents received an email outlining relevant information pertaining to their child and their particular session times.
We cannot wait to officially welcome our 2024 Preps next month!
Operoo reminder - Please read
A reminder that the MACS Code of Conduct for (Parents/Guardians/Carers) and the MACS Code of Conduct for (Students) (attached documents below), that were uploaded to Operoo towards the end of last term must be read and signed off by all Parents/Guardians/Carers and Students. Thanks to those parents who have already completed this.
Please note that the new MACS Code of Conduct for (Parents/Guardians/Carers) replaces the Code of Conduct that parents/carers signed off on Operoo at the start of this year.
Thanks for your support and understanding with these updates and for your completion of the relevant Code of Conduct documents.
2023 Term Dates
Term 4
Monday 2 October – Friday 15 December (school finishes at 12.45pm)
2023 School Closure Days
The following days and dates will be School Closure Days in 2023.
Term 4
Monday 6 November (Report Writing Day)
Tuesday 7 November (Melbourne Cup Public Holiday)
Friday 1 December (Planning for 2024)
Miss Peppercorn Lunch Orders - Every Friday
School Lunches are able to be purchased every Friday from Miss Peppercorn. Please see menu below and ordering instructions.
Camp Australia
Camp Australia have a partnership with Lego and are hosting a Lego competition which will go throughout the rest of the year. Children can win a range of prizes (see below for details).