Health & Wellbeing

Discussing War and Conflict

Discussing war and conflict with young people is necessary due to the interconnected world we live in. Distressing images can quickly spread online and parents and caregivers must play a pivotal role in helping young people navigate the complexities of these issues.Having these conversations serve not only to educate young people about the realities of war, but also to instil values of empathy, tolerance and critical thinking. By engaging in open, age-appropriate dialogues, we can help foster a more informed and compassionate generation of young people.


Children are frequently exposed to distressing news through the 24-hour news cycle and social media. These experiences can provoke anxiety, especially in young minds still forming their worldviews. Parents and caregivers should be mindful of overexposure to such content as it can lead to symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder. Children’s responses to trauma can vary, from being strong emotional reactions to being indifferent. It can leave an emotional imprint that can affect a child's behaviour and perception of danger.


Children need reassurance about their safety as they navigate uncertain times. Tailor conversations to your child's age and emotional maturity. Younger children benefit from simplified explanations focusing on peace, empathy, and cooperation, while older children can delve into historical events, root causes of conflict, and the complexities of international relations.


Before discussing these topics with your child, it is also important to assess your own emotions and comfort level. By staying calm and providing physical comfort will help your child regulate their own emotions. In challenging times, compassionate adults play a crucial role in helping children cope with anxiety and providing hope and understanding in our complex world.


School TV provides guidance on how to tackle this difficult topic and helping young people understand there is still hope in our complex world. Please take a moment to reflect on the information offered. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please consider seeking medical or professional help.

Here is the link to your special report HERE



Rachel Smith | College Counsellor