Teaching and Learning

Last week in our Senior School, there was no evidence of our students slowing down. In fact, it was quite the opposite!


We have been developing the Big Ideas around Multiplicative Partitioning and learning what it means to work with fractions and decimals. 

Our Senior students used their understanding around fractions and decimals to work in collaborative groups to find the fraction of the painting that was blue, green or yellow. In doing this, students were able to articulate their strategies and reason why they were correct.


Can you find the different fraction colours of each painting?






With many families preparing to go on holidays, I wanted to take this opportunity to remind families that if they are planning to take an extended holiday throughout the school term to please contact classroom teachers. This will ensure students have access to appropriate reading material, writing tasks and access to the curriculum and instruction. 

Until next term, have a safe and happy holiday!

