Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

Welcome back. After a mixed bag of weather, we hope to see improved conditions again.  At least our Year 5/6 children participated in the Athletics carnival with all the other Shepparton Schools.


This Sunday and next weekend many children receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. We keep them in our thoughts and prayers. See the Religious Education section for more details.


We have a number of great events coming up during the next two months. We host the Bunnings BBQ tomorrow Saturday 7th October from 8:00am. This money will support your children's sporting and physical activities at St. Luke's. It may even support some NEW soccer tops!

As mentioned above, some of our school children will receive the Sacraments at St. Brendan's Church. 

Our Book Fair is fast approaching and this is a great opportunity to promote reading and raise some funds for NEW books. See Library News.

We have our  Trivia Night on Friday 10th November. Tickets available via trybooking. This is our main fundraiser for 2023. Funds raised will support a new play area once two of the portable classrooms are moved. We are keen to purchase new aluminium seating and tables and have an ongoing plan to add to this each year. 


Altar Server Training for new and existing servers at St. Brendan's Catholic Church on Saturday 21 October from 4pm - 5pm followed by pizza until 5:30pm.

The parish invited any school students who have received the Sacraments to be part of this gathering. Please RSVP Fr Jackson 5821 2633 or

I was an altar server from Year 4 after receiving my First Holy Communion. At my previous school/parish I became an Acolyte. At times I still assist our priests, but I would love to see our young people on the Altar rather than me. If you are a bit nervous about this but want to know more, come and see me. I remember serving at special masses with Bishops and Archbishops as I became more experienced. 


After School Care

Our new provider, 'Uniting' began on Tuesday.   Please refer to previous emails regarding details for registration. I am so happy for the families who need this service. The employees have been great to work with and we look forward to a fruitful partnership.


Summer Uniform

This means school hats are compulsory at lunch and recess. These can be purchased at our uniform shop on Benalla Rd. I spoke with Years 5/6 students regarding a few items of uniform. The message was to set the standard for the rest of the school. 

  • Correct socks & shoes
  • 3 days school uniform and 2 days sport
  • No combinations of uniforms
  • Hair - no cut lines in hair (messages or zig zags)
  • Hair tied back if longer than shoulders for both boys and girls.


Family News

We keep those experiencing tough times in our thoughts and prayers.


Swimming Program

The dates for this are Monday 30th October until Friday 3rd November. All children will be participating in lessons led by qualified swimming teachers each day at Aquamoves. Children will travel to and from the pool by bus. More information about our swimming program soon.

Zooper Doopers:

The sale of Zooper Doopers will begin soon. They cost 50c each with a maximum of two per child. We ask children to buy Zooper Doopers for themselves or brothers/sisters only – they are not to purchasing for friends/classmates. More information regarding day (s).


End of Year Dates

Please keep an eye on the School Calendar Page. Our final mass which includes the Year 6 Graduation component is at 12:30pm on Thursday 14th December. 


Next Meeting at 7:00pm

Advisory Group Meeting - 17th October


Yesterday, as I waited in the reception at the doctor I had a moment to slow down at the end of the day. Normally, my heart rate rises as I wait and my blood pressure is higher when the doctor checks it. I had probably 3 minutes where I closed my eyes and slowed down. It made me realise that we should schedule time throughout the day to slow down. Easier said than done but worth at least trying. For once my blood pressure was good :) and the doctor was happy!


Have a great weekend.

David Keenan - Principal