Community Group 

Community Group Meeting:

Welcome back to term 4! It’s hard to believe we’re in the last term. 


There are lots of exciting things coming up during this term for children and from a Community Group perspective. 


Community Group meeting was held on Tuesday night. We discussed the upcoming Trivia Night, Bunnings sausage sizzle and past events, among ways we could use funds and social events. Next meeting: December 5th 7pm. All welcome. 


Bunnings Sausage Sizzle:

If you have an hour or two to come and help, spots are still available. It would be so appreciated. 

If you can’t commit to helping but can pop in for a sausage, please do!


Trivia night: 


You don’t have to fill a whole table, just book as many as  you’d like and we can help make a team! 


BOOK YOUR SEATS NOW! Major door prize, raffles and silent auctions. The team has been working hard behind the scenes, and it is shaping up to be an exciting event.

✨🎁 We are thrilled to have an extensive list of donors and sponsors who have generously donated. 🎁✨


Our committed sponsors and donors to date are on the list below. (These logos and business’ will be updated as needed.) 

Please help us thank these generous supporters by shopping with them and sharing their brands. 


📓Book fair📚

Book fair is coming up! October 16-20th. 

If you’d like to help on any day: 8.30 - 9.15 am or 3.15 - 4.00 pm please contact Raathika on: 0421 300 924


Hot Dog Day:

Thank you to all the hot dog day helpers on the last day of Term 3 (and to those who lent a slow cooker). Without you, days like these simply couldn’t go ahead and your time and help is so valued and appreciated. 




Social events:

Family dinner was held at the Peppermill on September 8th. It was a lovely evening where around 10 St. Luke families were able to share dinner and chat while the kids played. 


First day back to school lunch was held at the GV hotel. Around 8 parents and a couple of little siblings joined for lunch. 


Thank you Raathika for organising these social event, where all families are welcome to come and meet each other outside of school. 



If you are in need of a meal due to illness, a new baby or your family is just having a tough time, please reach out. 

Similarly if you have a meal we could pop in the freezer for a family, simply date and label with ingredients and drop at the office.

Sheena Russell