Community News

College Captains
Plenty Valley Christian College is pleased to announce the appointment of the new College Captains and Deputy Captains for 2024. Kynan Mason and Nina Theron have been appointed as College Captains, while Delandt Prinsloo and Mabel Macmillan have been appointed as College Vice Captains.
College Captains - Kynan Mason and Nina Theron
Vice Captains - Delandt Prinsloo and Mabel Macmillan
We congratulate these student leaders on their new appointments, and trust that they will demonstrate an authentic Christ-like example and provide inspiring leadership to the entire College community when they commence their new roles. Our prayer is that the Lord will bless and guide them all as they seek to fulfill their leadership responsibilities in the coming academic year.
Parent Teacher Interviews Survey
For those of you who didn't receive an email from the school regarding the survey for the last round of Parent Teacher Interviews please click on the link below and fill out our 3-minute survey to let us know what you think of the Parent Teacher Interview process.
From the College Nurse
Spring Is Here
As we farewell winter and look forward to the warmer weather and longer days that spring brings we also welcome the dreaded hay fever season.
A reminder to have your children’s Asthma and Allergy Plans up to date and to provide any medication your child may require during the school day to the office.
All medication should be in the original packaging, be clearly labelled with the student’s name, class and directions for administration.
Ventolin must be accompanied with an “Asthma Action Plan” that has been completed and signed by the treating Doctor within the previous 12 months.
Information about Asthma, Thunderstorm Asthma and Hay fever can be found at the Asthma Australia website, your local pharmacy or your G.P.
Is your child leaving PVCC at the end of 2023?
As per the Enrolment Terms and Conditions, at least one term of notice is required if your child is leaving the college. If you have not already done so, please notify our Registrar, Margaret Vella, in writing no later than Monday, 2 October 2023, at, if your child is leaving the college at the end of 2023. Notice is not necessary if your child is graduating in Year 12. Families who give notice after this date must pay for a term of school fees in lieu of notice.
ICT Overseas Travel Reminder
If you are travelling overseas and your child requires access to College IT resources (e.g., Email, OneDrive, Teams) you must notify the IT Department. Please email with dates of travel and destination. Travel within Australian borders is unaffected.
Todd Sprague
ICT Manager – Systems and eLearning