
HeArt of the Valley
Wow – what a night?! The atmosphere was absolutely buzzing last night as the school came alive with ART in our community.
Parents and friends were treated to a wonderful night of immersive, performing, and visual arts. It was such a pleasure seeing the campus lit up in colour all while music danced across the school grounds highlighting the talent amongst the students here at PVCC.
Events like these do not just magically fall into place, months of preparation and planning go into making this night a success. We want to take this opportunity to thank those involved, specifically Lucille Warwick and her team.
And a massive thank you to you! These community events would be nothing without the community support behind them. We thank you parents for encouraging you children to enter their artwork, to sing their song or even build their Lego model!
Because we are Christ’s Image Bearers, we Build Community.
World Teacher Day Lunch
This year the PVCC Parents and Friends Group and Community Relations Team are hosting a lunch to celebrate World Teachers Day in the first week of Term 4. On Thursday 5 October, we are going to pause and take a moment to thank those teachers who work tirelessly to serve our community. This job can be all encompassing and the heart and care for each of the students offered by our teachers is second to none. We are thankful for everything they do and for every effort they make to help grow our children into young adults who contribute in meaningful ways to our society.
This is our opportunity to give back and show gratitude! Keep an eye out in your inbox for how you can get involved from making a slice, preparing a fruit platter, to making a card. All efforts are greatly appreciated!
Term 4 Change of Uniform
Just a reminder that in Term 4 we transition to the Summer Uniform. There will be three weeks of changeover to allow for grace as we adjust to warmer weather.
Just a reminder school socks are also a part of our uniform – please ensure your child is appropriately following the guidelines below.
Uniform List | Plenty Valley Christian College | Bob Stewart
And lastly, for the last few years we have been transitioning out of the older style sports jacket and next term will be the last opportunity to wear them. Starting 2024, only the newer style softshell jacket will be allowed as part of the uniform policy.
Kinder and Year 5 places for 2024
As we shared recently, with strong demand we will be adding another Year 5 class in 2024. Limited places are still available in Year 5, and for Kinder and VCE. If you know anyone who is keen to apply for a place at these year levels, please encourage them to apply as soon as possible. A downside of the decision to expand Year 5 will mean we will have very few Year 7 places on offer in 2026, so please share this with any family or friends who may be looking for a place at the college.