
Zoo Trip and Performing Arts

Maths Games Day Awards

MiniLit Awards

Students of the Week - Week 7

Student of the Week Awards- Week 8

Student of the Week Awards - Week 9

FME - Jerome O & Anna J

FA - Brais D

1/2S - Sophie B & Otis G

1/2T - Isi V & Louis F

3/4L - Ella VR & Will B

3/4J - Edward W-M

Happy Birthday for Week 9 to...

Annaliese P, Poppy H, Francesca T and Alfie D!!

Performing Arts Grades 1/2

The 1/2s have been practising their performing skills through reciting poetry. As a small group they rehearsed, choreographed, and then performed a short poem to their classmates.

Performing Arts Grades 5/6

This week in Performing Arts the 5/6s have been working in small groups to create a short performance using scripts. They have been focusing on movement and voice as they prepare to dazzle the audience. They have also reinvigorated their love for dance as we have been following along with guided dances on the TV - very fun!


This week in foundation we had an exciting trip to the zoo! We explored all kinds of animals  and had a great time learning about them. Back in the classroom, we practiced our maths skills by learning new addition and subtraction games. We also worked hard on our recount writing, sharing our favourite moments from the zoo trip. The children drew amazing pictures to go with their writing, bringing their stories to life. 

It was a week full of learning and laughter!!