Star Students

Star Students for the Fortnight

 Term 4

 Weeks 9 and 10 


The following students have been awarded a Star Student Award.

Junior Years

Mrs Caldow/Mrs Renato:

Johan Peranickal Linz

For his efforts in completing work independently, particularly in writing. 

Well done Johan! 

 Anjuvi Pratheep

For always completing her work to a high standard. 

Well done, Abigail!

Mrs Wardle:

Aaden Agnal 

For always helping others. 

Thank you Aaden, well done!

Allay Guljok

For making everyone smile. 

Thank you for a wonderful year, Allay.

Mrs Weber:

Daisy Dickins 

For always being a wonderful helper in our classroom. 

Thanks for being so reliable Daisy!

Grace Di Clemente

For having a wonderful finish to 2024. 

Well done on all you have achieved Grace!

Mr Maskell:

AJ Miller

For coming to school and greeting his peers with a smile and a welcome.

Harry Dodds 

For continuing to improve in his reading and sharing his learning with others. 

Mrs Nicholson:

Isabella Romer 

For always taking pride in her work and for being respectful of others. 

Well done Isabella!

Belle Payne-Croston 

For always taking pride in her work and for creating a fantastic diorama. 

Well done Belle!

Mrs Drummond:

Lucas Guy 

For his great improvements in literacy this year. 

Great work Lucas.

Sophie Durston 

For always doing her best in all learning activities. 

She is always kind and caring to all our class members. 

Mr Andronaco:

Violet Magill 

For always completing her literacy tasks at a high standard. 

Fantastic work Violet. 

Leora Kanakkahewa

For always working hard during her literacy lessons and 

always taking pride in her writing. 

Middle Years:

Mr Secchi:

Logan Brand

For his excellent toy advertisement. 

Logan created a wonderful stop motion with a funky rap included to advertise his toy. Very persuasive! Well done, Logan. 

Sienna Fantig

For her wonderful water go cart design. 

Sienna created an imaginative toy ready for Christmas and created a very persuasive advertisement. 

Well done, Sienna!

Mrs Anderson:

Elsie Lamb

For the great game you invented, ‘Chessker’ and 

the poster you designed to advertise your game. 

Well Done Elsie!

Jonathan Liu

For the effort you put into designing and creating your toy. Your poster was amazing. 

Well done Jonathan! 

Mr O'Hara:

Samra Morey

For working well and finishing her graph booklet with care. Well done Samra!

Harshjot Kaur

For always being reliable during the end of day pack up and working well in class. Great Work Harshjot!

Mrs Dainton:


For her organisation in all her curriculum work areas. 

Piper has produced fantastic work in all her Writing pieces.

Well Done Piper !

Jack Pelly 

For his continuous work in all areas of the curriculum.  

Fantastic work in this last semester.

Well Done Jack !

Mr Howley:


For his creative talent which he displayed during our poetry unit.

He was able to use rhyme and added to his work with detailed illustrations.


For the insights she shared in our discussion about 

“Walking in someone else’s shoes”. 

Sigrid talked about empathy, kindness and understanding other people’s feelings.


Senior Years

Mr Lindon:

Vince Bungay 

For being an outstanding and humorous student all year in 2024.

Well done Vince!

Georgia Ralston

For being a fantastic member of the classroom and for always being a kind student. 

Well done Georgia! 

Mr Beks:

        Peyton Van Houts

For engaging more in end of year tasks. 

Well done Peyton

 Jaron Saboni

For the amazing learning you have been doing with your maths.

You have an excellent attitude towards your learning and have made wonderful progress.

Mr Poppa:

Tenitha Wijetilleka aka Teni

For being such a well mannered and respectful student.  

You have settled in beautifully.  

Mille Grazie. 

Paddy Segrave

For bringing such a playful and respectful manner to our class.  

Keep on being your best and enjoy all you do. 


Mr Searle:

~ not supplied ~

Miss Casey/Mr Quinn:

Jaxon Wileman

For always having a positive attitude and readiness to start the day.

It is always nice seeing your smile each day. 

Awesome work Jaxon!

Mary Lubadi

For always being a kind and caring member of our class. 

We can always count on Mary to be kind and respectful to everyone. 

You are amazing Mary!