Star Students
Star Students for the Fortnight
Term 4
Weeks 9 and 10
The following students have been awarded a Star Student Award.
Junior Years
Mrs Caldow/Mrs Renato:
Johan Peranickal Linz For his efforts in completing work independently, particularly in writing. Well done Johan! |
Anjuvi Pratheep For always completing her work to a high standard. Well done, Abigail! |
Mrs Wardle:
Aaden Agnal For always helping others. Thank you Aaden, well done! |
Allay Guljok For making everyone smile. Thank you for a wonderful year, Allay. |
Mrs Weber:
Daisy Dickins For always being a wonderful helper in our classroom. Thanks for being so reliable Daisy! |
Grace Di Clemente For having a wonderful finish to 2024. Well done on all you have achieved Grace! |
Mr Maskell:
AJ Miller For coming to school and greeting his peers with a smile and a welcome. |
Harry Dodds For continuing to improve in his reading and sharing his learning with others. |
Mrs Nicholson:
Isabella Romer For always taking pride in her work and for being respectful of others. Well done Isabella! |
Belle Payne-Croston For always taking pride in her work and for creating a fantastic diorama. Well done Belle! |
Mrs Drummond:
Lucas Guy For his great improvements in literacy this year. Great work Lucas. |
Sophie Durston For always doing her best in all learning activities. She is always kind and caring to all our class members. |
Mr Andronaco:
Violet Magill For always completing her literacy tasks at a high standard. Fantastic work Violet. |
Leora Kanakkahewa For always working hard during her literacy lessons and always taking pride in her writing. |
Middle Years:
Mr Secchi:
Logan Brand For his excellent toy advertisement. Logan created a wonderful stop motion with a funky rap included to advertise his toy. Very persuasive! Well done, Logan. |
Sienna Fantig For her wonderful water go cart design. Sienna created an imaginative toy ready for Christmas and created a very persuasive advertisement. Well done, Sienna! |
Mrs Anderson:
Elsie Lamb For the great game you invented, ‘Chessker’ and the poster you designed to advertise your game. Well Done Elsie! |
Jonathan Liu For the effort you put into designing and creating your toy. Your poster was amazing. Well done Jonathan! |
Mr O'Hara:
Samra Morey For working well and finishing her graph booklet with care. Well done Samra! |
Harshjot Kaur For always being reliable during the end of day pack up and working well in class. Great Work Harshjot! |
Mrs Dainton:
Piper For her organisation in all her curriculum work areas. Piper has produced fantastic work in all her Writing pieces. Well Done Piper ! |
Jack Pelly For his continuous work in all areas of the curriculum. Fantastic work in this last semester. Well Done Jack ! |
Mr Howley:
Tobi For his creative talent which he displayed during our poetry unit. He was able to use rhyme and added to his work with detailed illustrations. |
Sigrid For the insights she shared in our discussion about “Walking in someone else’s shoes”. Sigrid talked about empathy, kindness and understanding other people’s feelings. |
Senior Years
Mr Lindon:
Vince Bungay For being an outstanding and humorous student all year in 2024. Well done Vince! |
Georgia Ralston For being a fantastic member of the classroom and for always being a kind student. Well done Georgia! |
Mr Beks:
Peyton Van Houts For engaging more in end of year tasks. Well done Peyton |
Jaron Saboni For the amazing learning you have been doing with your maths. You have an excellent attitude towards your learning and have made wonderful progress. |
Mr Poppa:
Tenitha Wijetilleka aka Teni For being such a well mannered and respectful student. You have settled in beautifully. Mille Grazie. |
Paddy Segrave For bringing such a playful and respectful manner to our class. Keep on being your best and enjoy all you do. Auguri |
Mr Searle:
~ not supplied ~
Miss Casey/Mr Quinn:
Jaxon Wileman For always having a positive attitude and readiness to start the day. It is always nice seeing your smile each day. Awesome work Jaxon! |
Mary Lubadi For always being a kind and caring member of our class. We can always count on Mary to be kind and respectful to everyone. You are amazing Mary! |