General Reminders

We would like to remind/advise students and their families of the following;

  • The school newsletter is published fortnightly on a Wednesday afternoon. It is a valuable source of information that can be emailed directly to you. Alternatively you can collect a hardcopy from the General Office.

  • Students are to ensure they are attending class with all the necessary items required for learning (charged laptop, stationery, exercise and text books and any homework). If you have any concerns or queries please contact the General Office on 5349 2305.

  • Students are not to remain in corridors during recess and lunchtimes unless advised otherwise by a staff member.

  • The area between the Primary School and the Drama Centre/Gym remains out of bounds, with the exception of going to and from PE classes or a Student Assembly in the Drama Centre.

  • For students entering and leaving the school grounds near the Early Childhood Centre, please stick to the pathway provided. DO NOT cut across the carpark.

  • For safety reasons, there is to be no running in or around the school buildings; please save this activity for the school oval and/or the basketball courts.

  • Students are to respect all school property at all times. This includes indoor and outdoor furniture, equipment, spaces, garden beds, plants etc.

  • All sign-up sheets for inter-school sports will be placed on the sports noticeboard in the Link corridor. We encourage students to try out new sports in addition to those they are passionate about. Due to there being a limited time to submit teams in any given sport, we ask that you please sign up for your chosen sport/s at the earliest opportunity.

  • Sports equipment is available from the Year 12 Common Room (located at the rear of the Fibres room) at recess and lunchtimes. Any equipment borrowed, is expected to be returned prior to the end of recess or lunchtime.

  • Breakfast Club is held at 8:30am each Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the Student Centre; all students are welcome.

  • Make-It-Happen takes place each Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime in the N wing (N5). This affords students a space in which they will find the resources and assistance they require to catch up on or complete unfinished work due to absence or other reasons. For further information, please see Mrs. Palmer.

  • If you have misplaced an item in the school grounds, please see Andrea in the Library to check the 'Lost Property' box. Please note, items will be retained for a period of one month, after which they will be disposed of.

  • Our Doctors In School's program is once again up and running, with doctors onsite each fortnight. If you require an appointment, please see either Jackie or Andrea.

  • Yard Duty Supervision - The school grounds are supervised between the hours of 8:30am and 3:40pm or until the last bus departs. Outside of these hours, school staff will not be available to supervise students.


As we kick off a new year, we ask that students are prepared with the correct uniform items. It is expected that students maintain our uniform standards throughout the year, regardless of the season. 

All students are required to attend school in complete school uniform, including school jackets, hats, beanies, socks and shoes. If, for any reason, it is not possible for a student to attend in their full uniform, students will require a note from a parent or guardian stipulating the reason. If you have financial concerns relating to the uniform, please speak with one of our Assistant Principals, Simon De Zoete Spiero, Jackie Kerr or Kirstie Thomson at the earliest opportunity. Uniform items can be viewed and purchased from Crockers website or from the Crockers store, located in Armstrong St. Ballarat.

  • Skirts, dresses and shorts must be of an acceptable length (generally between the knee and mid-thigh).

  • Hats and beanies are not to be worn inside, including corridors, classrooms and the Gym. Please don't wait to be asked to remove them.

  • Hair past shoulder length is to be tied up at all times. Once again, please don't wait to be asked to do so. If you do not have a hair tie, please see Mr. De Zoete Spiero.

  • Earring studs, small sleepers and discreet necklaces may be worn, while the only facial piercing permitted is a small nose stud. Students will be expected to remove all other facial piercings and visible jewellery.

For further information regarding our Uniform Policy, please see either the SEQTA Engage/Learn Portal or the school's website:

Policies and Procedures

In preparation for the school year, we ask that students and their families have read through and understand the school's expectation in relation to the following policies. All of these policies can be located on the school's website (, via our SEQTA portal or by clicking the links below.


Acceptable Use Agreement 

Attendance Policy   

Bullying Prevention Policy 

Homework Policy 

Mobile Phone Policy

Privacy Policy

Respect for School Staff Policy 

Uniform Policy 

Student Centre and Canteen

As many of you are aware, we are incredibly fortunate to have the Student Centre and a fully functioning School Canteen. Air-Conditioned in the summer months and heated in the cooler months, the Student Centre is an ideal place to sit with friends and enjoy your lunch. Located within this space is the School Canteen, which offers a variety of snack options for recess and delicious meal options for lunch. With reasonable prices, Megan is sure to have something to satisfy on the menu. Current menu items and prices will be displayed in each newsletter.


It is expected that all students behave responsibly, by respecting the space and cleaning up after themselves, to ensure we can all continue to enjoy this great facility.


2024 School Magazine

If you missed out last year, or are new to the school and would like a copy of the 2024 School Magazine, there are some spare copies available from the General Office. Each year the magazine showcases school events, achievements and student work from throughout the year. It is a great snapshot of the school and all the fantastic things we have going on!