Welcome Back!
We would like to welcome all staff and students to the 2025 school year! We hope you all had an enjoyable break and took some time to relax and unwind.
As we head into Term 1, we ask that all students are prepared with the correct uniform and learning requirements. Having these items will make for a much smoother transition back into the school environment. If you have concerns regarding either uniform or learning items, please contact the school as soon as possible. We would like all families to read through the General Reminders section of the newsletter as it provides important information about the day-to-day workings of the school and more detailed information about uniform expectations and who to speak to if you have any concerns.
Term 1 is typically a busy term, with our House Swimming Sports and Athletics Carnival both held in February, followed by our House Cross Country, held just before the term break in April. Keep an eye out in our fortnightly school newsletter and on our daily Student Bulletin, for updates and information surrounding these and other important events.
We are looking forward to a busy but rewarding term and wish all students the best as we start 2025!