Junior School News

It’s been a busy time for the junior school this first half of term one, particularly for our year 7 students.
The first two days for year 7 students were spent completing the ‘new beginnings’ program. Here students participated in activities that helped them to get to know the school, how to read their timetable, use their lockers and complete activities that helped them to get to know their classmates and understand themselves a bit more.
This culminated in all year 7’s partaking in a series of fun relays. Each form had to work as a team to try and beat the other forms.
Year 7 students have also had the opportunity to attend camp, at Lady Northcote Recreation Camp, near Bacchus Marsh. Students had the opportunity to challenge themselves in activities such as the high ropes, giant swing, canoeing and archery, as well as a big treasure hunt on the last day. I want to commend the behaviour of the 46 students who attended. They very much reflected the school values of respect, resilience and responsibility.
On the evening of Wednesday 26th February, we invited parents and family of year 7 students to join us for an informal information session and BBQ at the school. It was great to meet the families of some of our students.
Year 7 and 8 students experienced a play by Brainstorm Productions about the issue of cyber safety and the impacts of online bullying. We will have follow up lessons in some home group sessions as well.
Our Year 9 students have undertaken the Morrisby questionnaire this week. This will then provide them with a snapshot of their personality types and how certain career pathways may suit them. This is a formal stat into getting our year 9 students thinking about their pathway through secondary school and then beyond.
Adam Nettleingham
Junior School Leader