What's Happening in the Middle School

Year 3
What’s Happening in Year 3 in Weeks 3 and 4
The Year 3’s have made an amazing start to the year! It has been great to welcome them into our new classrooms and practice our rules and routines. The students have enjoyed getting to know their teachers and their classmates better and some of the new things Year 3 has brought, such as pencil cases!
- We will be reintroducing the Zones of Regulation and the strategies we may be able to use to help us.
- Last week, we began our novel study on Matilda, and we will continue to look and interpret the vocabulary and sentence structures used within the book.
- We will also be practicing some NAPLAN style questions.
- We will continue to look at the features of a narrative and how we can use them effectively.
- We have embarked on a new Literacy programme called UFLI.
- We will continue to use this to review concepts such as the trigraphs /tch/ and /dge/, moving onto the spelling concept of ‘Gentle Cindy’ and what sounds C and G make in Week 4.
- We will be continuing to work on counting and place value.
- In Week 4, we will begin to look at addition and subtraction.
- We will also explore how to approach NAPLAN questions within our lessons and games will be used to reinforce concepts.
Knowledge Unit
- We will continue our introduction to the broad topic of Health.
- Following this, we will narrow it down to look closely at Social Health, with a focus on building relationships and dealing with change.
- This year the cohort will participate in one hour of sport a week (in addition to PE sessions).
- The focus will be teamwork and sportsmanship, and we will explore this using different team games.
- If you have not already done so, can we please ask that all stationery is labelled and returned to school in your child's individual pencil case.
- Please can we ask that the fruit or vegetable snack is in a separate container from their lunchbox.
- Please can Art smocks be returned to school if they have not been already.
- All students must wear a hat when outside, please ensure your child has one and it is clearly labelled with their name.
Year 4
What’s Happening in Year 4 in Weeks 3 & 4
Welcome back! We are all looking forward to what is sure to be a fabulous and exciting academic year.
Over the past two weeks, the Year 4 students have settled in well to their respective classrooms. They have learnt about the new routines and procedures and were of course, extremely excited about commencing the BYOD program.
Our wellbeing focus will continue to look at identifying our personal strengths as well as embracing our own differing capabilities. This has also supported building self-esteem and an ability to confidently adapt to change.
During Literacy sessions, students will be revising specific comprehension strategies that they can utilise to understand new texts. They will also identify different types of sentences and use the correct punctuation required for each of these.
Each Year 4 class has also commenced reading a class read aloud. Our choice for the start of this year is “The Wild Robot” by Peter Brown. Some students have already watched the movie as it was recently adapted for the big screen.
Maths sessions will focus on revising our knowledge of place value as well as reviewing student's understanding of the four operations. Students will continue to participate in a variety of maths games to develop their understanding.
Knowledge Unit
Our Knowledge Unit in Term 1 will be a study in Health. This Year 4 Health unit places a particular focus on mental and emotional wellbeing. The students will discuss and consider the importance of positive self-talk as well as how encouraging words to a friend can help change a mindset.
The Year 4 students will not be assigned weekly homework. Instead, students are expected to read every night and record their progress in their personal diaries. It is the responsibility of the student to bring their diary to school every day and take it home each night to log their reading. Classroom teachers will be checking and signing these diaries regularly to monitor student reading habits. The student diary will also be used to highlight important dates and reminders.
Important Year 4 Dates:
Year 4 Swimming commences: Monday 10th February
Year 4 Camp: Wednesday 12th March to Friday 14th March