End of Year Reminders

  • There will be no further Breakfast Club for the remainder of the year.

  • Students are to ensure their lockers have been cleaned out, with all items taken home for the Christmas break, any rubbish placed in the bin and all library books returned. Lockers should be left completely empty and clean, before you leave. Anything left in lockers will be disposed of at the end of the year. Once empty, all lockers are to remain closed with the padlock in place. Please do not remove padlocks or take them home, as they are the property of the school and must remain onsite.

  • Students are also to ensure that all laptops have been returned to trolleys and plugged in,while all laptop chargers are to be returned to Adrian.

  • If you have any artwork or anything from Materials/Technology classes to collect, please go and see the relevant teacher, as any uncollected work may be disposed of.

  • If you have misplaced any items, please check with Andrea in the library to see if they are in the Lost Property box. Anything unclaimed at the end of the year will be disposed of.

  • The last day of Formal Classes for Year 7, 8 and 9 students is Friday the 13th of December.

  • Big Day Out Monday 16th December, details as follows:

    Students will be transported via bus to Bounce, Delacombe, in the morning. After their session, students will have the opportunity to purchase morning tea from the Bounce Cafe or, alternatively, they can bring something from home. Students will then briefly return to school before walking to the Beaufort Swimming Pool, where they will spend the remainder of the afternoon. Here they will enjoy a B.B.Q. lunch, however if students have any special dietary requirements they should bring lunch from home. The day will incur an expense of $15 per student, which must be paid prior to the day. Students are permitted to wear casual clothes and will require bathers, towel and sunscreen, as well as any spending money. Students will be dismissed from the pool at the end of the day, with school buses collecting students from this location.

  • We will be holding our Whole School Christmas Picnic on Tuesday 17th December. Following this we will hold the Whole School Presentation Assembly in the Drama Centre. We would like to see as many students in attendance as possible.

  • Any student who hasn't returned their Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement, can you please do so as soon as possible. If you were away and didn't receive one, please follow up with Mrs Jenkins in the staff room.

  • Our 2025 Curriculum Contributions information is available on the school website, under the 'Parents' tab. Please select the information relevant to your child's year level.