Respect - Learning - Resilience - Responsibility

Term 4 - Willy Kids are Responsible
Weeks 9 & 10: Willy Kids are Ambitious
Being ambitious means you’re an independent learner who takes risks and a creative approach to achieving what you’ve set out to do. Being ambitious means that you want to make a difference and create change. At Willy Primary it means that you are aspirational and determined, giving ideas the best opportunity to play out. You are self-motivated, making your own way with your learning. You thrive on the challenges and hurdles that pop up. These challenges enable us to become problem solvers and identify various strategies that will help us succeed.
To be an ambitious learner you can:
- Just have a go
- Try and try again, knowing that we need to fail and to work through obstacles
- Have high expectations for your learning
- Show passion for what you are setting out to achieve
- Don’t see challenges as a stop sign, you see them as an opportunity to learn
- Demonstrate creativity and innovation when working through problems
- Be resilient
- Be flexible - make changes to your learning when you encounter hurdles
Get out there kids. Be ambitious and don’t give up!