Principal's Report

We, at Miners Rest Primary School, would like to acknowledge the Wadawurrung people of the Kulin Nation.
We pay our respects and thank the Wadawurrung people.
May we share your land. We promise to look after it, as well as the animals and people too.
It is wonderful to see our staff & students, across all year levels, enjoying many extra-curricular activities at this time of the year. It has been such a busy and rewarding year with great focus on student learning achievements from Kindergarten to Year Six - we have truly maximised our learning opportunities throughout the year. It’s time for staff and students, as well as our families, to reflect and enjoy special events together to see out the school year of 2024.
Christmas Carry-on
Our much-anticipated Christmas Carry-on Event will be held tomorrow and the stuents and staff are very excited. Families are very welcome to join us in sharing some Christmas spirit and frivolity. Christmas Carry-on events will commence at 9:30 am. See you there!
Year 6 Graduation
Congratulations to our Year Six students in our graduating class of 2024! The students will celebrate together with a formal ceremony at school, next Monday 16th December. We will share the scholarship winners at our Presentation Night, Wednesday 18th December, as well as hear their very special Graduation Song.
Presentation Evening
Our Presentation Evening is next Wednesday 18th December. From 5:00pm, families are welcome to picnic on the Medwell Oval (weather permitting). Following picnic time, please join the staff, and official guests, in the formal part of the Presentation Evening, including class carols, from 6:00pm.
We look forward to celebrating with our students and our families as we work towards the end of 2024.
Kylie Nissen.