Outdoor Education

Dear Students, Parents/Guardians,
I am excited to be stepping into the role of Head of Outdoor Education this year and leading the Outdoor Education program here at the College.
I have had the pleasure over the years of assisting with the planning and development of programs, leading groups and building new connections and stronger relationships with our students and staff through authentic shared experiences.
The Outdoor Education program is a vital component of the curriculum at the College and all students are expected to attend. The benefits and power of shared experiences through active participation in the extensive experiential learning programs plays a crucial role in fostering holistic development. We strive for our young people to seek out and take up the opportunities on offer to build resilience and flourish as a collaborative and confident life-long learner.
Engagement is one of our HEART values at the College and I encourage everyone to take up the opportunities this year as they come along, including the Outdoor Education program. For some, this may take great tenacity and courage, but it is important to recognise that your peers and the College are here to support you. What does Engagement look like and feel like for you this year?
Please engage with the important information session dates this term:
Week 4, Wednesday 19th February
- 6.00pm to 7.00pm – Year 10 Mittagundi
Week 5, Monday, 24th February
- 5.30pm to 6.30pm – Year 9 Endeavour
- 6.30pm to 7.30pm – Year 11 Aspire
Week 5, Wednesday, 26th February
- 5.30pm to 6.30pm – Year 7 Discovery
- 6.30pm to 7.30pm – Year 8 Adventure
Over the coming weeks, you will be receiving Operoo notifications requiring your action and providing you with all the necessary information for your young person’s program. We appreciate you engaging with these notifications at your earliest convenience.
Kind regards,
Emma Shearer
Head of Outdoor Education