These are only given in extenuating circumstances. (An example of this would be if the child’s parents are away from home and consequently the child is staying at a friend’s or relative's home). 


Parent/Guardian should contact the Bus Coordinator, Ms Amy Haw who will request the pass on the student's behalf. Parent/Guardian contact can be made with the school, in person, by phone or by a dated and signed note, stating the date/s and the reason for the pass. 


Passes will not be given to students for recreational purposes such as birthday parties or sporting activities. It is the parent’s responsibility to transport children for these activities. Bus numbers are often near capacity and excess numbers could cause overcrowding. Passes will be issued at the discretion of the district school bus coordinator at Swan Hill College, after consultation with the attending school. 


Passes are to be handed to the bus driver at the time of travel. Bus drivers will not allow a student on the bus without a current appropriate pass. 



All students who travel to or from school by bus are reminded of the following: 


You are representing St Mary MacKillop College and your best behaviour is required at all times. This includes being seated on buses, not throwing objects, not using inappropriate language and caring for the smaller group of students that may be travelling with you.  These requests are all safety issues. 


No bullying or fighting is ever accepted at the Bus Changeover or on buses. Students who do not adhere to this request can be removed from the buses for between one to ten weeks. This policy is for all schools that use the Government buses in the region and a Principal cannot change this. Once again it is a safety issue and it respects the rights of the majority to travel in a safe environment. Likewise, it is the responsibility of schools to continue to remind all parties of these arrangements.