Hello, from Carolyn.
Respect, responsibility and kindness
Hello, from Carolyn.
Respect, responsibility and kindness
Hello everyone,
Year 6 graduation was held on Wednesday evening and it was a lovely celebration. Thank you Jacinta Condon, Danielle Wadley and Cos Perley for the excellent organisation on the evening and for supporting our year 6 students to write and rehearse such heartfelt, and sometimes quite funny, speeches. Finishing primary school is a celebration of all the years that have led to graduation night, all the people who have supported our year 6 students over the years and the effort and determination our students have shown to acheive their goals. Congratulations to all our year 6 students!
High Heat Days.
We have already experienced some very hot days and Monday's forecast keeps getting hotter! There is no temperature threshold for closing a school. On very hot days we give our students many reminders to stay hydrated and we have them inside out of the heat. On Monday, please remember to send your child to school with a drink bottle full of fresh water and plenty of fresh fruit snacks. We will have them inside during the hottest parts of the day and will minimise outdoor running around! We regularly check the Sunsmart app and Vic Emergency to track what is happening locally. If you have any concerns about how your child might manage the heat on Monday, you might decide to keep them home to monitor them yourself.
This is our last newsletter for the year. Next Wednesday 18th is the last day of school for our students, finish time is 3:10pm.
A special thank you to our Parents & Friends group for a fabulous year of fun activities for our students and very successful fundraising. Thank you to Lisa Broadbear and Sal Taberner who have filled the roles of Treasurer and Secretary!
Thank you to our wonderful ES and teaching staff who continue to go above and beyond to support our students and families- have a rest over the holidays, Principals orders!
Next week we will be farewelling the following staff-Sonia Sokhal, Jason Bentley and Danielle Wadley , all the very best in your new schools!
Thank you all for your support over the year. Our ability and commitment to working together to support our students is one of the many things that makes our school so very special.
I hope you all get some time to do the things you enjoy over the summer break. If the weather leading up to the end of term tells us anything, we could be in for a very hot summer!
So do your best to stay cool everyone and I look forward to welcoming you back on Wednesday 29th January.
warm regards,
Tuesday 28 January, Staff at school.
Wednesday 29 January, ALL students start school, including our Foundation students.
School banking details.
Bendigo Violet Street Primary
BSB: 033-688
Account number: 93-1292
Payment reference: use your surname and fees.