Year 6 Camp

Port Arthur Adventures
Our Year 6 students finished the year on a high with their two-day camp to Port Arthur and the Blue Lagoon Christian Campsite in Dodges Ferry.
Day One saw them piling into the bus, pumped for a few days of adventure. The weather was a balmy 26 degrees, and after a stopover at the Callington Park in Oatlands to test out the new flying fox, they arrived at the campsite for an afternoon of outdoor team challenges.
The much-anticipated rock climbing and crate climbing were next, and Mr van Ryn was the closest to reaching the (very high) ceiling. Until he looked down!
An evening beach walk saw students exploring the sandstone rock formations, skipping rocks in the water (congratulations to River, who won with seven skips!) and appreciating the glory of God's creation.
The day ended with a devotional circle, with Mr Adrian Bosker sharing an encouraging message to always remember the cross through seasons of change, such as the move from primary to high school next year.
Did they sleep? We can report that students actually went off to sleep quite well... until a rogue possum started racing around, causing a din at the boys' cabins at 4:20am. On the upside, the boys were packed and ready to go by 5:30am!
Day two was all about Port Arthur, and Mr Ballard said it was a rich experience hearing from the tour guide who explained the history of the penal settlement and the experiences of the convicts who lived there.
"The main reason we do this camp is because it's a way of celebrating the end of primary school, and it also provides an educational experience that links into their learning from previous years," Mr Ballard said.
"It's a great opportunity for students to get our of their comfort zones, to exercise courage and to learn to work as a team."
Mr Ballard said the students represented the school well.
"The bus driver, who had worked with many, many schools, couldn't speak more highly of our students and staff, for their welcoming, kind and well-mannered nature."
Well done Year Sixes! You represented our school and the love of God so beautifully!
PS - parents, you should ask your Year 6 child about the backflipping chef, and the chippy chip celebration!