Parents & Friends' (PFA)

We are so excited to start a new year at St Anthony’s! We began with the Welcome Coffee Van for parents on the first day of school; a big thank you to Margaret Carlei for organising this.
The first PFA meeting for 2025 was held this week on Wednesday 7th February and our 2025 committee have started planning out lots of activities for the year. Here’s what’s coming up at the start of Term 1:
Sunday Feb 9th | Working Bee Catch up with other parents as we refresh the playground and garden beds! We are so lucky to have 20 x families who have offered to volunteer their time on Sunday; we are very grateful for your help.
Friday Feb 14th | Picnic On The Green You are invited to join us for our first event of the school year, our Picnic on the Green! Join us for a BYO picnic; you are welcome to bring something for yourself, or something to share. The PFA will be selling soft drinks and snow cones, so bring your gold coins. |
Fridays | Cake Raffle This year we will continue to hold a weekly cake raffle. A cake roster will be compiled and we will send out information once the cake roster is finalised.
The way it works is that each week a family is nominated to supply a cake (which can be home made or store bought). Then the children are able to buy raffle tickets at school on the Friday morning; they are 20 cents each, or 6 tickets for $1.
The raffle is drawn each Friday afternoon and the lucky recipient goes home with a delicious cake!
All proceeds go to the school Library where Mrs Sansalone uses the funds to buy new books for our school. |
All parents are welcome to attend any or all of the PFA meetings or to reach out any time:
- Co-Presidents: Kate Buick, Naobh Deka
- Secretary: Elena Kelly
- Treasurer: Iskra Petrova
- General Members: Fiona Flynn, Anna-Marie McGann, Luci Sinclair, Hanna Pontan, Efra Chairul, Tricia Murphy
Thanks to those who have volunteered to be class liaisons. Look out for communication on the Class What’s App Groups from your class liaison about upcoming events!
Class Liaisons for 2025 are:
- Prep / Grade 1: Tricia Murphy and
- Grade 2: Fiona Flynn and Regelyn Way
- Grade 3 / 4:
- Grade 5 / 6: Sandra Tempes and Efra Chairul
Kind regards,
The PFA Committee