Boarding House

- Mr Andrew Monk

It is with great pleasure I welcome all our boarding families, local and abroad to the first newsletter for 2024. Thank you to all who were able to attend the Boarder Family Afternoon Tea last week. Your support and commitment is greatly appreciated. 


We hope to see many boarding parents at the Welcome Drinks on Friday night.  This begins at 6pm on the lawns in front to the Tower Building and it is always a wonderful evening for members of the College community meet each other and catch up after the summer break. 


Our boarders have moved in successfully and have confidently traversed the first week with big smiles. Of course, we will experience ups and downs, as in life, but our team is here to support your child/ren as best as we possibly can. With 17 new faces starting their boarding journey this year, we are seeing a flurry of excitement and nerves. As week two and three get underway, these nerves will settle and the rhythm of boarding and school life will take effect.


Part of transitioning in to boarding is being engaged in activities offered from the Boarding House. Last weekend our annual Port Fairy surfing excursion was a hit. With over 20 boarders and staff surfing the gentle waves of Port Fairy, it was a time for some of the more experienced to show their skill whilst others were having a go for the very first time. Congratulations to all boarders involved and the fun had. Activities are not only on weekends, during the week we also have Boarder of the Week presentations, Tricky Trivia Tuesday, and Theme Nights, all of which I am looking forward to sharing with our community.