Junior Campus

- Mr Stephen Nelson

Welcome to 2024

Happy New Year and I hope that the holiday break has been enjoyable and relaxing.  As we prepare to embark on an academic year filled with promise, I extend a warm welcome to our returning families and sincere greetings to new families joining the Junior School.  2024 will bring new challenges and exciting opportunities. We have 16 new students starting with us at Myrniong.  The Junior School staff and I are looking forward to partnering with you in 2024. 


We welcome the following staff to Myrniong.

  • Ms Tzu Winstanley - Year 3 
  • Mr Graham Lewis - Year 3 
  • Mr Toby Hawthorne - Year 4 
  • Mrs Jo Bell - Year 6
  • Ms Angel Weisbach - Prep to Year 6 Mandarin Chinese

Intensive Swimming

Monday was our first day of our annual Intensive Swimming programme. The students are off to a wonderful start. The tragic loss of life in Victorian waters over the summer highlights the essential need for programmes that allow children to develop important skills and water confidence.  


All students Prep to Year 6 will participate in 30 minute sessions over a nine-day period.  This will culminate with the House Swimming carnival on Friday 16 February.  Students are to wear their swimming bathers under their P.E uniform for the duration of the programme.  They are permitted to wear coloured rash shirts.  With staggered lunchtimes for different year levels, there will be no provision for lunch orders in Weeks 2 and 3.  The first week of the Intensive Swimming programme is at the Hamilton Outdoor Pool, and the second week will be at H.I.L.A.C.  House Swimming will be held at the Hamilton Outdoor Pool on Friday 16 February.

Parent Information Sessions

The Prep to Year 6 Parent Information Sessions will be held on Tuesday 13 February in the Year level classrooms. This is a great opportunity for parents to meet their children’s teachers and for the teaching staff to run through classroom expectation, academic focus areas, routines and work programmes.  We do our best to accommodate families with children in different year levels.  


The Early Learning Centre will run a combined ELC3 and ELC4 parent session on Wednesday 14 February, commencing at 3.45 pm. 


Session Times for Tuesday 13 February:

  • 3:30 pm – Prep 
  • 3.55 pm – Year 1 & Year 2
  • 4:20 pm – Year 4 & Year 5
  • 4:45 pm – Year 3
  • 5.05 pm – Year 6

Continuous Reporting

It is an exciting year ahead at the Junior School, with our move to Continuous Reporting.  This will be a big change in how and when we report to parents. We will disseminate information on how this will look and operate in the coming weeks.  We will also be changing the timing of Parent/Teacher Interviews to align with Continuous Reporting.


Whilst we will still offer two formal Parent/Teacher Interview opportunities, please remember we have an open-door policy, allowing parents to make a time to meet with staff outside of the formal windows. To arrange a time, please make a note in your child's diary or send the teacher an email.

Junior School Musical

The cat/snowman is out of the bag’ - Junior School students and ELC 4 will be presenting ‘Frozen - Jnr’ in early Term Four.  


There is a palpable sense of excitement at Myrniong around our first full musical.  Information will be sent out in the next week or so detailing arrangements relating to auditions for the lead roles. ‘Frozen - Jnr’ will see all our students singing and dancing on stage.  I do apologise in advance for the numerous viewings of the film ‘Frozen’ families may have to endure over the coming weeks.