Learning and Teaching

 - Mrs Anna Robertson

As we embark on a new school year, it has been exciting to see and feel the energy and enthusiasm of students and staff across Myrniong and Senior School, for the year ahead. 

At our first Senior School assembly last week, I shared with the students about the values that I bring to my new role and that I am asking them to bring to their learning this year, both in and out of the classroom. 

  • Curiosity – to engage with new ideas and experiences, to ask questions of and about themselves and others to deepen their understanding and engagement with the world around them.
  • Optimism – to look forward to the year ahead, to see opportunity in challenging moments or experiences.
  • Respect – for themselves - as students making the most of the learning opportunities they have, for others – ensuring their actions support others to learn and participate, and for our environment – the buildings, grounds and learning spaces that we share.

The College has high expectations of our students, and we know it can take time to settle into new (and old) routines after the holiday break. Parents can help their children by ensuring they have a space for their materials and to study at home and sharing reminders about being ready to learn for each class. Arriving prepared eases anxiety and helps students focus on the learning.


I encourage parents of Senior School students to make an appointment to speak with your child/ren’s Mentor during our Student/Parent/Mentor Meetings next Wednesday 14th February. These are held online and are a great way to start the year and set up a strong point of contact between families and the school. 


I am looking forward to seeing many Junior School families at the Junior School Parent Information Night, which is always a great opportunity for parents to meet staff and hear about the programmes and experiences being offered this year.


We have had an excellent start to the year for our students studying with External Providers, with our VET students already beginning their offsite classes earlier this week. If your child is studying a VET subject, or working with Virtual Schools Victoria or Victorian School of Languages then we have a team that is here to support them with their learning. 


We are also looking forward to launching our 2024 Edge and Excel Programmes at a luncheon very soon and I am excited about the extension and challenge that we are able to offer this group of students. We still have a small number of places available in this programme for Year 10 students and I would encourage any parents or students to contact me to discuss an application. 


I look forward to a successful and rewarding school year ahead.