
We saw a very busy week at the Equestrian Centre  the return of horsemanship on Monday night. We have 16 students involved in a variety of lessons and it was wonderful to see smiles on faces as horses and riders reconnected.


We welcome Kellie Mitchell to the Equestrian Centre as new junior horsemanship instructor. Kellie has worked extensively within the horse industry both at racing stables and stud farms. She has spent the last 11 months training under classic dressage instructor Manolo Mendez so comes to college with a wealth of knowledge.


A reminder that entries have opened for the Interschool Victorian State Championships. To enter and for more information, visit Home | 2024 Interschool Victoria State Championships (isvchamps.org.au)


We are delighted to be hosting Chris Corbidge at College on Saturday March 9th. All horsemanship students are strongly encouraged to participate as this will be an important day of groundwork. 


Finally, a huge welcome to new team member ‘Stella’. Stella is on loan from Warrnambool RDA and has already proven herself both a favourite and a great, steady team member.