From the Principal 

- Mr Michael Horne

It was fabulous to see students walking back into the College last Wednesday, with happy faces as they greeted their friends and, yes, even their teachers for the start of 2024. We’ve already joined together for camps, wellbeing information sessions, the Junior School intensive swimming program, and rowing regattas, in addition to learning new teachers and new timetables. 


There are a range of further start-up events over the coming week: College Parent Welcome Drinks tomorrow night, Junior School Parent Information Sessions next Tuesday, and Senior School Parent-Mentor Meetings on Wednesday. These are all designed to ensure that those new to our community have the chance to get to know their child’s teachers well, and the chance to meet other College parents too. Just as we are coming to know our new students better every day, we look forward to further welcoming all new parents and students over the next few weeks. 


As we finalise the College’s new strategic directions, my focus this year is threefold:

  • to continue to nurture all in our community
  • to encourage academic ambition, and
  • to provide outstanding opportunities for our students


It's good to be back.