Leadership Report

Welcome Back

What a week! We now have all buildings open and operating across the school site. The 1/2s and 3/4s are all in their new spaces. The staff has done a great job re-locating into the new buildings, great effort teams. While the buildings are open and operating it has been a big week and we are very excited to finally have the ‘Berlin wall’ down and the new buildings open. We understand that some elements may not be fully operational, but we will be addressing issues as part of our ongoing relocation into the new spaces. We appreciate your patience while we get used to our wonderful new school.



Administration Building

We have relocated our administration staff and leadership team to the new admin building near the Elizabeth Street boundary. Mandy and Denise are currently setting up the new space in readiness for next week. Access to the Administration is only available via the rear (south) door. Unfortunately, the main entrance is currently closed while there are cranes on site constructing the gym.


Accessing classrooms

Currently, families will continue to access the school grounds from the same driveway entrance as we did in 2023. Now we are fully operational signage across the school will be mapped out across the site to guide parents and visitors to relevant classrooms or buildings. 


Main office access

Currently, the main entrance to the school from the corner of Murphy and Elizabeth Streets is currently closed. We appreciate that this is an inconvenience, but we are speaking with the buildings to find a solution for Monday onwards.


Bike parking

We ask parents to park their bikes in the old car park off the main driveway/pedestrian access. Additional student bike parking will be addressed now we are back at school. We are working on providing bike parking for students now as we are a much larger and have outgrown the current bike parking.



Great to see all the students wearing hats this week. As a sun-smart school, we ask that all students wear the recommended hat and not the popular baseball style of hat.


Unwanted school furniture

We have removed all unwanted furniture and have stored it outside the white shed. If parents wish to take any of the furniture, please contact the admin staff.


Welcome to our new Foundation students

We would like to welcome our new 2024 Foundation students and parents into the Newlands school community. Our Foundation team leader has contacted families this week via Sentral as part of welcoming families to Newlands. The Foundation teachers will be at their classrooms ready to welcome students into the classroom and settle students into their new surroundings.


Book Pack Day

A massive thank you to everyone who came along to the Book Pack Day on the 25th of January.  It was fantastic to see our school community back together again, enjoying the sausage sizzle, music, and balloon animals. 


Special thanks to our local musician/balloon animal artist, Pat Bath, Adam Palmer, and the PFA for supporting such a successful day. And to all the other parents who helped out on the day.


