EVET 2025


TVET 2025-Round 2 closes 7/2/24

The pathway to a career Finishing school, but already know what you want to do as a career? Or maybe you’ve got an idea of what life after school could look like, but want to try it out first? Either way, you’ll get a head start while still at school with a TAFEdelivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET) course. From Animal Care to Community Services to Music Industry courses, we’ve got just about all interests and industries covered.


Why TVET? 

TVET offers direct pathways to further education and employment options. These pathways may include: full time and part time TAFE NSW courses that give you job ready skills in a huge range of careers, diploma and advanced diploma courses that may provide credit towards TAFE NSW degrees and university course,  pre-apprenticeship courses that give you skills to help enter the workforce,  apprenticeships and traineeships that combine formal studies with work and on-the-job training and recognition of prior learning gained through TVET, other HSC studies and employment.


What is TVET?

 TVET is TAFE-delivered Vocational Education and Training.  With TVET, you can get a head start on your career by completing a TAFE NSW course, while still at school. TVET courses are available to students in Year 11 and 12 (Stage 6). The majority of courses detailed throughout this guide are Stage 6 courses. Stage 6 TVET courses count towards your HSC, with some contributing towards your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). 


Benefits of TVET:

 At TAFE NSW, you will gain work related skills and experience that is recognised and valued by employers. In many  TVET courses, in addition to your theoretical training, you will also be required to complete a mandatory work placement. TVET studies can be used to help you gain a place in a TAFE NSW Higher Education course or at a university,  by contributing to your ATAR. Your TVET course may provide you with an industry qualification. TVET courses  may also contribute towards credit or advance standing in your next TAFE NSW course. By successfully completing your TVET course, you will gain two credentials upon finishing school;  one from the New South Wales Educational Standards Authority (NESA) and another from TAFE NSW. 


Specialisation courses:

 Specialisation courses are delivered concurrently with 240-hour TVET courses. They can contribute additional units of HSC credit (depending on the HSC syllabus for the course) and can allow you to complete more of a qualification (potentially obtaining a full qualification) or in some cases, you could progress to a higher level qualification.


TVET delivery options:

 Face-to-face campus delivery-  Participation at TAFE NSW locations, generally on a weekly basis. 

Online Flexible delivery-  with no classroom attendance. You will access the learning website to locate your learning resources and receive ongoing support from  your TVET teacher.


 Virtual delivery-  Teacher-led virtual classrooms at scheduled times via web-conferencing technology. Campus attendance may also be required for some units. 


Blended delivery- A mix of online, virtual and face-to-face delivery. Block release delivery Self-paced study during school term, with class sessions held at a  TAFE NSW location (which may include school holidays).


TVET Brochure

EOI GOOGLE Form:  https://forms.gle/WFv4E5QSAN9ueHfTA 

TVET courses available