Assistant Principal News
Final message for 2023
Our Year 6 students celebrated the conclusion of the seven years of their schooling here at CPS on Tuesday. As one of their former teachers, I was extremely proud of them for delivering a speech individually and being able to articulate their reflection of their time at our school. We were joined by both our current and former staff members, including Mr Gray, Helen, Mr O’Boyle, Mrs Campbell and many more and it was indeed a very special night for them. I wish all of our graduating students the best of luck for the next year and beyond.
I would also like to sincerely thank everyone in our school community for their support throughout this year. There were quite a few big school events this year and the support provided from our parents and friends was a vital essence for the success of these events. Such parents involvement and the connection we have with our the school community makes our school a very special place and I feel honoured to be a part of that for every and single day.
I have also enjoyed engaging with you through this space over this year and I will continue to deliver the bilingual communication through my newsletter entry! I wish all of our families and friends safe and joyful holidays and I will look forward to seeing everyone in 2024!
I understand we often plan for the Easter holidays during the summer, so I’d like to inform the NAPLAN testing period for 2024. It will take place slightly earlier next year, the testing window will open on Wednesday 13 March till Monday 25 March. If your child is in Year 3 or 5 next year, please ensure that they are not going to be taken out from school for family holidays during this period. 夏休みの間に、次のイースターホリデーの計画を立てるご家庭も少なくないのではないでしょうか。そのため、来年のNAPLANの日程をお知らせいたします。テスト期間は3月13日水曜日から3月25日月曜日までとなります。来年、お子様が3年生か5年生にいらっしゃる場合は、この期間にテストに参加できるよう、ホリデーなどの予定を避け、お子様が学校に出席できるようご協力お願いいたします。
Snapshots from the classrooms – the end of the year special edition
Snapshots from the classrooms were shared throughout the year and I hope it provided you with a little more information of what your child was learning in the classroom. Next year, I will endeavour to improve this section as well!
The last snapshots from the classrooms are those of our dedicated and talented teachers, because without them, we won’t have classrooms. As a teacher, I understand that the teaching and being with our students are the most rewarding parts of our job, however, fun and engaging learning and activities won’t just happen. These are the products of hard work of our teachers. I’d like to thank all our wonderful teachers for making the 2023 school year a memorable one for our students and the school community. 今年度を通し、教室からの風景をお届けしてまいりました。今年度最後となる今回の教室からの風景では、番外編として、先生たちへのお礼とさせていただきます。本校で行われる学習活動や、特別イベントなど、時間をかけて計画し実行させるには、たくさんの努力や時間が必要となります。大切な生徒たちのために惜しみなく献身的に仕事に励む本校の教員の先生たちに大変感謝しております。
We cannot forget that our school and students are also supported by our caring and devoted Education Support staff. They all have different responsibilities for the operation of our school and the education of our student, and without them, our school would be a very different place, so thank you, Therese, Jess, Caroline, Azka, Payal, Surabhi, Miki and Tomomi for their professionalism and hard work! また、エジュケーションスタッフとして、本校で活躍している、テレーズ、ジェス、キャロライン、アズカ、パヤール、スラビ、みきさん、ともみさんも大きな役割を担わってくれております。教員同様、彼らにも大変感謝しております。