School Noticeboard

Awards Week 1

Gracie Giltrow, Clancy Bird, Charlotte Hiles, Charlotte Phelps, Kylirrah Rotherick -  

Great Start to Prep

Lincoln Donohoe - Student of the Week

Douglas Cameron - Principal’s Award for excellent use of matters.

Awards Week 2

Jack Williams - Principal’s Award for being a great role model for the Kindy Students.

Tameera Sharpley - Always trying her best.

Ellie Williams - Working well on sounds.


Library News

K/P/1/2                 Wednesday        

Year 3-6                  Friday

Please remember to bring your Books and Library Bags each week.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to :

Annabelle Bird for the 12th February



Contact Numbers

Phone:  07 4665 0133  

Mobile Phone:  0436 948 675

Absence Line:     07 4665 0276

Fax: 07 4665 0239