Principal's Address

Because of Power Outages and flooding we didn't get to publish our 1st Moonie Weekly of the year. You will find that we have combined both the 1st and 2nd issues today.
Hello to all Moonie Families and Community,
Welcome to the 2024 school year!
I must start by thanking each and every one of you for such a warm welcome to the community. I am certainly privileged to be the acting Principal and to be working with your wonderful children.
We have had a great start to the term with excellent attendance, learning and a power outage. Thank you to the Moonie Sports Club for letting us use the club and their generator so that we could learn in the cool. I will also acknowledge the students in my 3-6 class, they should be commended on their enthusiasm and commitment to learning, especially our Year 6 leaders.
2024 School Focus
This year we will be focusing on developing our curriculum plans to transition to Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum. This means becoming familiar with the updated curriculum and updating our curriculum plans to reflect changes from Version 8. We are also reviewing all data we collect in the school and how we use this data to improve student outcomes. I will be meeting with our School Supervisor Mrs Tania Angus on Monday 29th January to discuss the strategic direction of the school over the next 4 years. This year we have a School Led Review which is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the past 4 years and plan the next 4 years for Moonie State School. I will discuss this more at the P&C meeting but if you have any thoughts or considerations please do not hesitate to contact me or make an appointment to discuss in person. I am always keen to hear from families and community members.
The absence process remains the same. If your child/ren are absent please take a moment to ring the absence line 4665 0276 and leave a short message with your name, the student absent and the day/date.
Kindy will commence Friday 2nd February and continue on Thursday and Friday each week.
This term we also welcome Cassandra Hoghes who will be our Kindy Teacher Aide in Term 1 whilst Bryanna is taking leave.
Tuckshop starts Friday of Week 2 which is also our first Kindy day. I have heard wonderful things about our tuckshop so look forward to not having to make lunch on Friday. The lunch special for week 2 is Sweet and Sour Pork.
Welcome to our second newsletter for the term, we are already in Week 3!
We have had an interesting start to the term with the rain and subsequent flooding but everything should be back to normal now.
This week we have students participating in the Tara and District Swimming trials. Congratulations for making it to this level. We are very proud of you. Small Schools won the day.
Last Friday was our first day of Kindy for 2024. It was a fabulous day and all students seemed to have a wonderful time, especially during lunch time with our amazing tuckshop. I am so impressed with the quality and selection of tuckshop foods available and the Sweet and Sour Pork was just delicious.
School Photos
Please put Monday 18th March into your Calendars for our whole school photo day. As Kindy doesn’t attend that day the company will try and return on their way back later in the week to take the Kindy photos; this is to be confirmed still.
Principal Awards
Our Principal Award for Week 1 was Douglas Cameron for excellent use of manners. He enjoyed a nice cold milo and morning tea at the Principal desk.
The week 2 award goes to Year 2 student Jack Williams for being a great role model for the Kindy students. He was kind, considerate and supportive to new students learning about school. Jack has requested a chocolate milkshake for this visit to the office. Well done to both Douglas and Jack.
School Leaders
The Year 6 students will meet fortnightly for a ‘Leaders Lunch’ where they will each take on the role of Chairperson to learn how to run meetings, learn about leadership and organise events. The Year 6 students will be working as a team this year to support their fellow students and to raise money for a fun event or activity for the whole school at the end of the year.
Guitar Lessons
Brandon from the Rural Guitar Academy will be here on Wednesday for our first Guitar Lessons for the year. I look forward to hearing our fantastic musicians in action.
Cluster Meeting and Life Education
Next Wednesday the 14th February I will be going to Westmar for the first Principal’s Cluster meeting of the year. This year the cluster will be focusing on working together to update Australian Curriculum which is one of our main priorities this year.
This is also the day that the Year 5/6 students will be attending Life Education at Hannaford.
P&C Meeting
The first P&C meeting for 2024 will be next Monday 12th February at 2.45pm. Please come along and support your children. I look forward to seeing everyone there.
Monday coffee and catch up
Each Monday, after parade, parents are invited for a coffee in the office if they would like the opportunity to discuss anything to do with the school and student learning. No need to make an appointment. Feel free to drop in for a coffee and a chat.
This week our Kindy families will receive a letter that informs them that we will be going into “Voluntary Suspension”. Please do not be alarmed by this as it just means that due to the low number of Kindy children enrolled (less than 5) we will be operating under QLD Laws instead of the Education and Care Services National Law. KINDY WILL OPERATE AS NORMAL. Quality kindergarten delivery remains a key priority for our school. If, in the future we get more than 5 Kindy students enrolled then we will just switch over to the National Law and they will remove us from Voluntary Suspension. It is a simple process.
If you do have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you to everyone for such a great start to the year. The staff at Moonie State School are some of the best educators I have met.
Kindest Regards,
Miss Rebecca Flick