Monash University 3 Year Project - Invitation to Participate

As previously published, we are once again providing information and encouraging you to participate in the project funded by the Australian Research Council and conducted by the research team at Monash University titled Invisible Labour: Principal’s Emotional Labour in Volatile Times. This is not your typical survey. The team want to collect your stories about the more invisible but crucial aspects of your work as a government school principal – the emotional labour of doing the job!
The main thing you will be doing in this survey is telling a significant story about a critical incident that you have experienced as a principal. These stories are crucial to collect to capture the extent and diversity of this invisible work and expand public understandings about the complex nature of the principal’s role.
“Public schools face a major principal recruitment and retention crisis due to intensified workloads and the emotional labour of managing diverse communities. This project aims to improve leadership preparation and development for public school principals to help them manage complex emotional workload demands. The project expects to generate new knowledge about principal workforce development and to create a framework for policymakers that identifies the knowledge and practices required to develop leaders’ emotional skills and build bridges across diverse communities. Anticipated benefits include reduced principal turnover, improved teacher retention, improved student outcomes and greater social cohesion.”
More information about the project is available here and if you would like to share a story and contribute to this study, please use the link to access the survey: SURVEY LINK