Assistant Principal News

Welcome back!


Welcome back to the 2024 school year. I hope that our students and families enjoyed restful break over the summer. I have been enjoying hearing about all the details of wonderful holidays that our students had and I am always amazed by the growth that they have over the long break.

Excitement for the new school year began to build up about two weeks prior to the first day back for our students, when many of our teachers started coming in to set up their classroom, preparing labels, having a meeting with their colleagues, etc. But nothing beats the feeling when our students come back to the school ground - their laughter, excited voices, singing, cheerful greetings, etc. It’s so pleasing to see many of our students made a great start in their new class, however, it is quite normal for some children to have a degree of anxiety at this time of the year. After spending such long period of time with their family, it may take some time for students to adjust back to the routine at school. This is very normal and expected, but if you have any concerns, we are here to support each of our students. Please do not hesitate to approach Caroline or myself in the school yard, via an email or through the school office. 2024年度がいよいよスタートしました。たくさんの行事があった2023年を終え、生徒たちもゆっくり休みリフレッシュすることができたのではないでしょうか。たくさんの生徒たちが、夏休みの思い出について話してくれました。





I am repeating this information, as I’d like to ensure that our families are aware of  the NAPLAN testing period for 2024. It will take place slightly earlier this year, the testing window will open on Wednesday 13 March till Monday 25 March. If your child is in Year 3 or 5 next year, please ensure that they are not going to be taken out from school for family holidays during this period. 去年のニュースレターでもお知らせしましたが、今年のNAPLANの日程をお知らせいたします。テスト期間は3月13日水曜日から3月25日月曜日までとなります。お子様が3年生か5年生にいらっしゃる場合は、この期間にテストに参加できるよう、ホリデーなどの予定を避け、お子様が学校に出席できるようご協力お願いいたします。


Snapshots from the classroom


Start-up week provided our students and teachers with opportunities to co-construct routines, classroom expectations and consequences, and develop positive relationships with one another. This was also a great time to revisit the social and emotional learning that took place in previous years. When I visited Y3/4 classrooms, they were identifying name of emotions and sorting them out into different zones, which is a part of Zones of Regulation program. Our approach to Zones of Regulation is consistent and ongoing rather than a tokenistic approach, and it has become the shared language amongst all members of our school. By Y3, many of our students can identify name of different emotions and identify strategies to regulate their emotion when needed. I was very impressed to see how enthusiastic everyone was to sort out the emotion cards into different zones. More information about Zones of Regulation and our Wellbeing Framework can be found here.

スタートアップウィークは、生徒たちが先生と一緒にルーティン、教室でのルールを一緒に作り上げる機会であり、そのような活動を通して、良好な関係づくりもすることができました。また、社交性・感情抑制の学習の復習をするよい機会でもありました。3・4年生のクラスを訪問した時には、規制の領域(Zones of Regulation)の復習をしていました。プレップの頃から慣れ親しんだ方法、言葉を使い続けることにより、これらが学校にいるメンバー全員との共通の言語となっています。3・4年生のみんながとても熱心に感情を表す言葉をそれぞれの領域に仕分けしていました。規制の領域の詳しい情報やCPS Wellbeing Frameworkはこちらからご覧ください。