Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News
Dear Families,
Thank you for your support and smiles as we have started the year. We look forward to seeing you at the Parent Information Night on Wednesday, February 7th, next week. If you can’t attend, the notes will be sent home with your child.
We are looking forward to getting to know your child and having a wonderful year of learning.
5/6 Teaching Team
Home Inquiry: As we begin the year, we are inquiring into our names. Please discuss the names your child has. Why were they given this name? If relevant, who are they named after? What language is their name derived from? What does their name mean? We will continue to inquire in the coming week.
Literacy: We are passionate about our students being confident authors and readers and have already begun working towards this by engaging the students in literature. Please ask them to share about our class short story, ‘Spaghetti Pigout’. We will begin spelling in Week 3.
Maths: The students are playing several maths games as we work to build our thinking around place value and number, with particular focus on mental computation. Stay tuned for more information about things you can do to support your child at home in their growth as mathematicians.
Camp: We are looking forward to our camp at Woodhouse Adventure Camp in Week 4 form Monday, February 19th to Wednesday, February 21st. We cannot stress enough the importance of camp in developing friendships and being part of our community. Woodhouse offers many opportunities for children to try new things and build self-confidence, which they will be able to draw on throughout the year. By now, you will have received camp forms, both hard copy and electronically. It is most important that you follow the link in the hard copy to complete a waver on behalf of your child. This is the requirement of the campsite. Please return camp forms by Friday of this week so that we can collate all the information to be sent off to Woodhouse. We need to take several parents on camp and ask that volunteers register their interest by Friday. If you are unsure of what this involves, please talk to us. Volunteers will need to have the relevant checks in place. Please note, that the hard copy of the camp form suggested that there may be an extra charge for camp. This was a misunderstanding as the camp costs fall within the fees paid for schooling.
Thank you for your support in working to name stationery. If there is anything that your child has not received yet, please contact asap. Please note that pencil cases that were ordered came in this week and have been distributed.
Please ensure your child has working headphones and a keyboard. The iPad keyboard will be important in the development of keyboard skills which will be part of their class learning. The headphones will be regularly used in class for a variety of purposes. Again, thank you for helping with this.
Yours sincerely,
Lauren Neumann
Luke Napier
Jayne Zadow