Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
Home Inquiry will commence in Week 3. Home Inquiry is what learning is requested to be completed at home during the week. More information will be provided about this at PIN and in the newsletter next week. For now, any reading at home, (preferably every night- even just 15 minutes) would be wonderful.
Weekly Timetable – 3/4GF
(please scroll across table to view Fridays)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Assembly Canteen
| Japanese Cluster PE | Art PE Library Canteen | Music | Chapel Golden Time Canteen |
Formal Uniform
| PE Uniform | PE Uniform | Formal Uniform | Optional PE Uniform |
Weekly Timetable – 3/4S
(please scroll across table to view Fridays)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Assembly Canteen
| Japanese Cluster PE | PE Art Canteen | Library Music | Chapel Golden Time Canteen |
Formal Uniform | PE Uniform | PE Uniform | Formal Uniform | Optional PE Uniform |
Learning this week:
Literacy: Jolly Spelling will commence in Week 3.
Writer’s Workshop: We will explore what writer’s do and will spend some time book making, with the option of free choice writing.
Reader's Workshop: We will explore the reading environment and culture in discussion and also allow learners to choose ‘good fit’ books.
Mathematics: We will begin looking at mental computation strategies, focusing on addition through games. We will also discuss what mathematicians do and what characteristics they have.
Unit of Inquiry: We will continue building our class culture and developing our class expectations. We will also inquire into the Learner Profile Attributes: Caring, Inquirers, Principled, Balanced, Knowledgeable, Communicators, Thinkers, Risk-Takers, Open-Minded and Reflective.
Parent Information Night (PIN), Wednesday Week 2, February 7th
School Calendar:
Blessings for the week ahead,
Goose (Liesel) Smallfield
Emily Gower
Jade Fielke