
Foundation Cluster News
Information has been sent out by Admin for families to join Toddle. We post important information reminders, student learning, photos/videos and assessments on this platform.
Wednesday Rest Day
Just a reminder that each Wednesday until week 5 we will be having this day as a no-new learning day. The purpose of having rest days is to build up the students learning stamina, as we consider a lot of the children would be used to having three days of kindy and this would look different to them having five days of Foundation learning. We often notice at the start of the year a lot of high emotions and children feeling tired after 3 days of full learning, therefore would like to encourage you take this opportunity to allow your child to rest on Wednesdays and help them to slowly get used to being at school for five full days. This means they are to play and have some time with you cooking, creating or just doing something fun together. It is not a day where they do any work. Your child’s wellbeing means a lot to us and we want them to continue to have a smooth transition into Foundation. We know some parents have work commitments, so you are still able to send them to school if needed, we just know the importance of building up their learning stamina and highly encourage rest days if possible.
Take home folders
Please make sure you purchase a take home folder from the uniform shop. They are to come to school every day. Students will need these for notes to be sent home, take home craft they make during the day and new sounds will be placed in this folder from week 3 onwards.
Pick up information
So that we can assist the children at the end of the day, please let us know your pickup arrangements. This sheet was sent with the start of year information email on 17th January. Please send this back to school as soon as possible or email us with the days and pick up arrangements. This is especially important if children are going to GGOSH or kiss n drop.
Family photo
We would love a family photo to put on our family wall in the classroom for children to look at when they miss their family during the day. Please either send a hard copy photo in or email one to us and we can print it off.
Our Parent Information Night is Wednesday 7th Feb. We will run 2 sessions in the classroom from 6:30-7:00 or 7:30-8:00. There will also be a whole school session from 7:00-7:30 in the Worship Centre. Chapel/assembly: Our Foundations will not be attending weekly assembly or chapel until Week 4 to help them settle into the routines of school. Volunteers: We love having volunteers in the classroom, if you are interested in volunteering, there a few things you will need to have to be able to help in the classroom or come on excursion.
- Current Working With Children Check (WWCC)
- Responding to Abuse, Harm and Neglect training (RRHAN-EC)
- Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) training; and You can find the information here on the parent portal:
School Calendar
Emma Wachtel
Amy Hughes