From the School Leadership Team

Parent Information Night
We are looking forward to seeing our families for parent information night on Wednesday 7 February. Our P &F are kindly providing drinks and nibblies in the courtyard at 6.00pm and then there will be a session with your child's class teacher at 6.30pm where they will present on the learning, routines and events they have planned for the year. There will be a whole school session at 7.00pm in the worship centre, followed by a repeat session in classrooms at 7.30pm for families with children in different classes.
Strategic Plan
We have an exciting year ahead as we embark on the implementation of our new strategic plan. We are energised by our purpose to enrich the lives of children and each individual in our school community, and beyond the school environment. With a Christ- centred foundation, we foster an inclusive environment where everyone can belong, explore and thrive. Equally exciting are our new values - love, collaborate and explore, which will underpin all that we do, as well as our strategic priority areas of:
• Excellence and innovation in learning
• Well-being and culture
• Community and Partnerships
• School Development
Parent Lounge
We are excited that our new parent portal, Parent Lounge, has been launched today. This is a great way to be able to check that your contact details and your child's medical details are up to date, as well as to be able to view the school calendar.
Please check your email for the login information sent earlier today and you are most welcome to be in touch with us if you have any queries around the login process.
Pastor - call process
As families would be aware, Pastor Greg accepted a call to Faith Lutheran College in Queensland last year. Our church congregation have formed a 'call committee' to commence the process of calling, of inviting a new pastor to serve at Golden Grove Lutheran Church and in our school community. We have conducted a survey of the church community of the qualities and skills that we would seek in our next pastor, and have met with Stephen Schultz, our Assistant Bishop, to analyse this data. The call committee are now in the process of developing an information package that could be provided to a prospective pastor as part of the call process, and are working witho urt congregation to consider the range of pastors who are available for call within the Lutheran Church.
A few reminders
Please be reminded of some of our key events to commence the year:
- Friday 2 February - Foundation classes commence
- Wednesday 7 February - Parent Information Night - 6.30pm
- Monday 12 February - P &F Meeting - 7.30pm
- Tuesday 13 February - Shrove Tuesday and Anniversary of the Apology
- Wednesday 14 February - Ash Wednesday
Will Wallace