What's Happening

Welcome Morning Tea
Please join us on Friday 9th of February for a coffee and biscuits from 8.30 to 9.30am.
The coffee van will be located outside the Hall under the new sails.
Class Rep update
Is this one of your classes? 5B; 6R
If so, we need you! We are still in need of Class Reps for these classes.
We are also looking for a second Class Rep for: FC; FS; 1F; 1R; 4S
Thanks to those that have volunteered to be a Class Rep already. A big shout out for our wonderful volunteers below.
- FC Ana Contardo
- FS Michelle Clark
- 1F Camilla Lloyd
- 1R Kerrie Henderson
- 2G Colleen Gamble and Anne Mologousis
- 2B Karla Bennett and Emily Guardiani
- 3D Kerrie Henderson and Elaine Chung
- 3P Gemma Henderson and Kat Dowson
- 4V Natalie Oglesby and Marion Rudge
- 4S Kellie Lucas
- 5G Trish Cronin and Veryan Oakley
- 6T Nicole Perazzo
Each class requires 2 class reps each year. Find a friend or make a friend and join together to represent your class. You don’t need to do it on your own and joining with another parent with different strengths often works well. Even if you are new to the school, it can be a great way to get to know other parents in the class.
Some of the things you will need to do as class rep include:
- Forwarding emails to your class.
- Possibly organising social events like class coffee catch ups.
- Communicate information regarding school events as sent through from the PFA.
It’s a very rewarding role and a great way to get to know your class.
Please let us know if you are interested via rmps.classreps@gmail.com or via https://signup.com/go/BByGhfW so that your class list can be sent out.
Thank you
Kim Jones
Class List & Class Rep Coordinator
Student Voice