Classroom Connection

This Term, Grade 3 binome students embarked on an exciting passion project, aimed at fostering collaboration and allowing them to delve into a theme they are truly passionate about. Utilizing the Qwant Junior search engine for their research, they skillfully formulated five guiding questions. Subsequently, employing Canva, they creatively showcased their findings. The culmination of their efforts took center stage as they confidently presented to their peers, followed by an engaging Q&A session. We take immense pride in the dedication and valuable learning experiences that unfolded throughout this project.


Ce trimestre, les élèves de CE2 se sont lancés dans un projet d’enquête, visant à favoriser la collaboration et à leur permettre d'explorer un thème qui les passionne véritablement. En utilisant le moteur de recherche Qwant Junior pour la phase de recherche, ils ont habilement formulé cinq questions de recherches. Ensuite, en utilisant Canva, ils ont présenté de manière créative leurs découvertes. Le point culminant de leurs efforts a pris place alors qu'ils se présentaient avec confiance devant leurs camarades, suivi d'une session de questions-réponses captivante. Nous sommes extrêmement fiers du dévouement et des précieuses expériences d'apprentissage qui se sont déroulées tout au long de ce projet.

What's happening in the 3/4 classes?

As part of their Inquiry unit of work in term 4, our Grade 3 and 4  students studied sustainability with a particular focus on sustainable tiny homes. 


Students explored key elements of a tiny home and conducted an analysis on their own current sustainable actions within their homes. 


With this new knowledge, students planned for and constructed their own tiny homes. They considered water and electricity usage, food wastage and the materials used to ensure ongoing sustainability within the home.



Des poêmes chez les CP

Ukulélé end of year concert