Extracurricular activities - External providers

Exrternal providers' advertisements on our website and in the newsletter are accepted in good faith but the school does not  necessarily endorse the content. 

TeamKids - Book for the Summer School Holidays!


Book for the Summer Holiday fun!

TeamKids have another amazing SUMMER Holiday program planned!


  • Learn new skills and make new friends
  • Qualified and REMARKABLE Educators
  • Digital detox with our no screens policy
  • Delicious and nutritious morning and afternoon snacks
  • CCS-approved care

Consultez le programme estival en français

What's happening this week?

Les activités périscolaires de l'EFM / EFM's After School activities



Ujeb's new Prep Program for 2024

Hebrew Immersion Program Term 4 Registrations

Soccerwise and Sportswise Summer Holiday Program


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Soccerwise and Sportswise Summer Registrations for Term 1 2024!


 friendly reminder that there are NO further 

scheduled SPORTWISE sessions for the 

remainder of Term 4, 2023 at CAULFIELD JUNIOR COLLEGE

Please find attached our Term 1, 2024 Registration Form

for your easy reference.


To register for the Term 1, 2024 program, simply send a reply email; or visit us online at: http://sportwise.com.au/school_programs.php

Places are limited and bookings are essential, so please let us know at your earliest convenience if you'd like to enrol your child (or children) at the Term 1, 2024 program. 

Best regardsSPORTWISE®www.SportWise.com.au