Christmas Messages and Well Wishes

Dear Families,
I hope this special Christmas Newsletter edition finds you all well in the swing of the Christmas season. There are a number of thank yous and messages that had been sent through to me that I thought it important to share with the whole community. They reflect the genorosity and impact our school community can and does have on the wider world.
It was such a pleasure to be involved in all the various celebrations, farewells, graduations and end of year activites that took place in the final weeks of term.
Please find included below some notices that once again exemplify the generous and communal nature of St Cecilia's Primary School.
Wishing you and your extended families all a very safe and happy Christmas. May you all find moments to reflect on the great message of hope and joy that Jesus' arrival at Christmas signifies, and that precious time with family is enjoyed and by all.
A Special Thank you on Behalf of the Lindie Ladies in Kiberia, Kenya
Again I would just like to thank you, the St Cecilia's community, for once again supporting the Lindie Ladies in Kibera, Kenya.
They are a forgotten group living in the slum. They consist of mainly women but a few men. These women are bringing up grandchildren all orphans & orphan kids in their community. (About 50 in the group) They house them, (all pay rent for their tin 1 room with dirt floor tiny home in the slum) feed and clothe them together with getting uniforms and fees for school and some older kids go to uni.
I sent the money along with a further $600 raised by past immersion participants the next day. So I sent over $A1500.
This amount will make a huge difference for this group. They will buy food &
essentials with this money.
I absolutely can't thank you enough.
Have a safe and Merry Christmas and enjoy your holiday period.
Kind regards
Louise Wood
Thank you from St Vincent De Paul - Christmas Pudding Drive
Dear Marty, staff, students and families at St Cecilia’s Primary School,
Thank you very much for the very generous donation of Plum Puddings we received at Ozanam House this week. We will serve them to our drop in clients of our Homelessness Resource Centre next week and residents of Ozanam House on Christmas Day.
Please extend our gratitude to everyone that contributed, we are very grateful for your
support at Christmas.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy 2024.
Louise and Team at Ozanam House
Farewell to Our Wonderful Year 6 Class of 2023
On our final Wednesday of the Term all members of the school community had the chance to farewell and honour thirteen remarkable young people who concluded their journey at St Cecilia's. The graduation Mass, Assembly and Dinner were all great reflections of these fine students, the great contibution they have made to our school and the special bond they have forged with each other and the St Cecilia's staff during their time with us. We wish all of these students the very best of luck as they journey on, confident in the knowledge that each of them in their own way will make a great and positive impact on the people and communities they will encounter in their future endeavours.
St Cecilia's Specialist Awards
In the final week of school our specialist teachers each recognised a student in each class, who across the course of the year had shown outstanding effort and dedication to their particular subject area.
I would like to take this opportunity to give a special thank you to Cecile Dutrieux, Katherine Aldcroft, Stefania Miller, Julie Drum and Anna Clarkson for the remarkable job each of them does in going above and beyond to bring to life the subjects they teach. The passion and commitment each of them shows means that our students are completely engaged and immersed in these vital curriculum areas.
They each bring so much to our staff, students and whole school community, for which we are so fortunate and sincerely grateful.
St Cecilia's Christmas Mass Times and Information
I am writing to invite you to join us for Christmas Mass at St Cecilia’s.Christmas is many things: family gatherings, parties, presents, Christmas lights, and holidays. It’s also a time when we recognise that we are blessed, and when we give thanks. It’s when we celebrate the birth of Jesus who brings joy and hope to the world. At St Cecilia’s, we hope that you will join us for Christmas Mass. It’s so good to do this at Christmas.
We have three Masses over Christmas.
Christmas Mass Times
Sunday 24th December: 5 pm & 9 pm
Monday 25th December: 10 am
On Christmas Eve (Sunday 24th December), we have a children’s Mass at 5pm.
Because of the numbers who attend, this Mass will be held in our school hall.
Children from our parish will present a Nativity play which tells the story of the birth of Jesus. We will sing carols and pray. We hope that you can join us for this family celebration of Christmas.
On Christmas Eve (Sunday 24th December), we also have a vigil Mass at 9pm in St Cecilia’s Church. It is lovely to gather for Mass in the cool of the evening on Christmas Eve. We will have time for quiet and reflection. We will sing carols and pray. We will celebrate the birth of Jesus, and experience the joy and hope and peace which he brings.
On Christmas Day (Monday 25th December), we will have morning Mass at 10am in St Cecilia’s Church. It is so good on Christmas Day to come to Mass to celebrate the spiritual meaning of Christmas. It’s a time to reflect on our blessings and to be grateful. We will sing carols which celebrate the birth of Jesus.
May God bless you and be with you this Christmas and throughout the coming year.
Fr Kevin McGovern
Parent Teacher Meet and Greets - Tuesday February 13
We have scheduled our Parent Teacher Meet and Greet appointments to be held on Tuesday February 13. We will once again have a hybrid approach with the opportunity for you to book an online or in person appointment. Booking details will be sent out at the beginning of the school year.
2024 Beginning School Year Dates
These dates are a copy of what you will find on our Upcoming Dates page, which now also includes a number of other significant dates for term 1 which will be added to, once again, in the new year.
Term 1 Week 1
Date | Time | Event Details |
Monday January 29 | Staff Professional Development Day During this day staff will work on professional development foci set as part of our renewed four year School Improvement Plan. Who attends: staff only (no students) | |
Tuesday January 30 | Staff Planning Day During this day staff will map and plan specific curriculum and learning for the term and year ahead. Who attends: staff only (no students) | |
Wednesday January 31 | 8:50am - 3:30pm | Year 1 to Year 6 First Day Our first day back with our students for the year. Note: some foundation students will attend for one to one testing sessions, but begin as classes on Thursday. Who attends: staff and Year 1 - Year 6 students |
Thursday February 1 | 8:50am- 1:00pm | Foundation First Day (early finish) A very exciting first day of school for our 2024 Foundation students, who will begin with a shortened day. All other students will conclude at 3:30pm as normal. Who attends: staff and students |
Matthew Mooney
Acting Principal
St Cecilia’s Primary School