Chaplain's Corner

The Christian season of Epiphany (Christ manifesting into the world - as witnessed by the Wise Men and at Jesus' baptism) comes to an end on Shrove/Pancake Tuesday next week 13 February. Ash Wednesday then begins the 40 days of Lent leading up to Easter, marked by Christians with Penitence, Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving(charity).
2023 Giving Tree – Uniting Emergency Relief Broadmeadows
Thank you for your 2023 Christmas appeal donations to the Giving Tree.
In total, I delivered 29 boxes of food, toiletries and toys that were given to those in great need at Christmas.
Aitken Faith Community
A monthly child-friendly worship resumes this Sunday (11 February) at 4:30pm in the CPA Foyer.
This is a newly forming community in which newcomers are most welcome to explore faith together.
Aitken Community Picnic and Games
Tuesday 27 February 6pm
All families and staff are invited to our upcoming Community Picnic and Games evening.
Look out for more details – including a trybooking link in AIMS News.
Rev. Gavin Blakemore