Parents & Friends Association

Trivia Night
It’s that time of year again, time to gather your friends together or meet some new ones at the P&F Trivia Night. This is a great chance for you to show your vast knowledge of fun facts, have a laugh and meet some other members of our community.
Teams of 8 will compete for “College Medals”. If you don’t have 8, come alone or with a few others and we will help you find a team for the night. With topics as diverse as entertainment, music, Australia and sport, there will be questions for everyone.
Entry is free but bring cash on the night as you will get the chance to “buy an answer” to increase your chances of winning. There will be other games held in between rounds and spot prizes throughout the night.
The P&F will also be running a raffle on the night to be drawn when the winners of the night are announced. Donations for raffle prizes are most welcome. BYO nibbles and drinks at bar prices.
This is an 18+ event only. Date and venue to be confirmed, stay tuned.
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Guess what is new this year?! Scoop, bake, serve and enjoy!
This year the P&F are doing a Cookie Dough fundraiser. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on this one it’ll be starting 19 February and due for delivery just in time for the Term 1 holidays. What better way to spend the holidays than baking? Each 1kg tub can produce 40 large 25g cookies!
Did you know? Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough is the perfect treat to keep on hand in the freezer. It will stay fresh (when frozen) for up to twelve months! Once thawed, you can use what you like, and refreeze multiple times. Or, keep it fresh in the fridge for four weeks.
Forget about tedious paperwork and prize ordering as this fundraiser is all online! Plus, the more tubs you can sell, the more prizes you will receive.
Community Business Directory 2024 Fundraiser
Many families in the Aitken College community manage or own a business. Each year as a Fundraiser the Parents & Friends Association compile a community business directory to provide a way in which we can support local business. The 2024 Business Directory will take effect from the commencement of March for a 12 month period. Aitken families may purchase a space for $50.00 to promote and advertise their business. You can find the Business Directory on the College website and in the newsletter. Please support this fundraiser by completing the form below and returning it to the Accounts Office with your payment.
Pre-loved Uniform Donations
If you have Aitken College uniform items at home that are no longer in use and are in wearable condition, we would love to have them. The Parents and Friends Association clean and iron the donated uniform items and re-sell them at our quarterly Pre-loved Uniform Sales with all the funds going back to the Parents and Friends Association fundraising account. The items can be dropped off in our clothing bin near the main Reception. Please remember that the items need to be in a wearable condition and we do not have a market for re-sale of Aitken socks.
Upcoming events
Parents & Friends Meeting - 6th March
Trivia Night - Date TBC
Cookie Dough Fundraiser - from 19th February
Mrs Zoe Mackrell
P&F Committee