From The Principal
Welcome back everyone and a special welcome to all our new students their parents and carers. Our students were certainly pleased to return on Wednesday, with lot so smiles all round.
During the first two days of the school year our staff undertook a professional learning program covering topics such as health, safety, wellbeing, SWPBS, regulation, resilience and trauma, literacy, culture, curriculum, planning and preparation. We believe it was very valuable in ensuring our school practices are evidence informed and we are ready to provide an outstanding learning environment for all our students.
We now have 129 students, including 23 Foundation students, to begin the year, a sign we are continuing to grow and are a school of choice for families in the community. We have welcomed a large group of new staff again this year, too many to list, but please see the information provided about all staff, their roles and class allocations. We still have a few additional staff to employ and continue our recruiting processes.
Please remember, if you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance, preferably via SEESAW, or via the office on Ph: (03) 52155700. For more serious matters you can contact either of our Assistant Principals – Ashley Kalkandis or Tania Robertson (Mon, Tues & Friday) or myself. For medical related matters, Leanne Treloar our school nurse, is the best person to assist you. Our social worker, Jessie Francis is available for student wellbeing or support matters whilst our Allied Health team can also be contacted. They are led by Sarah Williams.
Again this year Amanda Kovacev will be co-ordinating the three Department of Education provided school buses. Please contact her if you need any assistance with bus arrangements or times.
The swimming program will commence next week for a number of classes. Mary Archer our swim and survival instructor will provide information to those students. She can also be contacted if you have any questions about this program.
Finally our office staff are more than happy to assist anyone. This year we welcome Phil Davey as Business Manager whilst Carolyn Haskett takes a year’s leave and Fiona Cox, the new Executive Assistant who joins us Monday to Wednesday. We have also welcomed back Amanda who was on secondment with the region in an OH&S role late term 4, 2023.
On Friday 16h February our first full newsletter will published and communicated via Compass. There after newsletters will generally be distributed on the last Friday of the month or end of term.
Yours in educational partnership,
Suzanne Armstrong