Dates For Your Diary
Friday 9th
- Kaboom Sports Incursion, 1.45-3.30pm (whole school - parents welcome to watch)
- No assembly (due to Kaboom Sports event)
Tuesday 13th
- Student Leaders Breakfast, 8.00am (Student Leadership team)
- PFA Meeting, 7.00pm
Friday 16th
- Halogen Student Leaders Conference (School Captains, Vice Captains, HEART Captains and House Captains)
Wednesday 21st
- 'Teeth on Wheels' School Dentist visit, Day 1 (students with booked appointments)
Friday 23rd
- District Swimming Carnival (selected year 3-6 students)
- SPS Dads Group Games Afternoon, 4.00-5.30pm in 5/6 Learning Space (all welcome - please register online)
Monday 26th
- 'Teeth on Wheels' School Dentist visit, Day 2 (students with booked appointments)
- Year 5/6 Swimming Program commences (all Year 5/6 students)
Tuesday 27th
- AFL Auskick Afterschool Program, Session 1/5, 3.45-4.45pm on SPS oval (all students welcome - please register online)
Friday 1st
- Year 5/6 Swimming Program concludes (all Year 5/6 students)